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[经典影片] 红粉联盟/女子棒球队/红粉本垒打 A League Of Their Own 1992 BluRaycd 720p DTS x264-CHD 5.50GB








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24小时 发表于 2017-7-6 05:14:52 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式

1 B. d+ y. r, c: s& V$ o$ x. F9 K  S0 |" t, Z3 B
◎译  名 红粉联盟/女子棒球队/红粉本垒打/骄阳岁月
  _8 i! S, b9 \6 m7 p' J◎片  名 A League of Their Own# N4 O- v7 O9 H" {% A3 A6 w
◎年  代 19921 a. B- L$ y8 d4 S0 p8 Z) _
◎国  家 美国
( o# F. g) R8 r  n◎类  别 喜剧/剧情/运动
) l/ i1 K4 U5 H. U7 v! q◎语  言 英语/ ]+ B6 v  R1 H
◎上映日期 1992-07-01
' m- v% C9 Q9 @◎IMDb评分  7.2/10 from 67,614 users
( s3 k% y- @) {6 D0 v3 O9 O5 h◎IMDb链接 d1 u0 @' p* e) T: K
◎豆瓣评分 7.4/10 from 1,007 users
  b4 U1 R- d" B$ x◎豆瓣链接 W9 ~: C2 j: t- r
◎片  长 02:08:00 (h:m:s)
5 }. X! J4 v: h4 n1 }) f" j: Q& h. V◎导  演 潘妮·马歇尔 Penny Marshall
# F9 m! A! o5 V◎主  演 汤姆·汉克斯 Tom Hanks
/ G) K# {" y0 X. U; K* J' {      吉娜·戴维斯 Geena Davis
5 U( p# _: t0 R7 s      麦当娜 Madonna3 G0 y" o  X- }' \0 Y* T( i/ \% h) o
      比尔·普尔曼 Bill Pullman  d9 V2 y) S# o0 v7 b
      大卫·斯特雷泽恩 David Strathairn
! @; X2 Z' j5 U7 B1 X" m/ Q% ^+ O( ]' u- A) Y. a# |
◎简  介
, w: e! S7 u! r: M( q3 i. t) j7 l# x: `+ A4 z2 L, U( x
  二战后,棒球大王沃尔特·哈维决定组建女子棒球联合会,他委托厄尼到全国各地物色女运动员,条件是不仅球艺高,长相也得漂亮。厄尼在俄勒冈州选中已婚的多莉,但多莉的条件是必须带上小妹妹基特。厄尼又看中了马拉,马拉长得不漂亮,但水平很高,最后厄尼还是要了她。到芝加哥后,她们加入桃队,但第一场比赛便遭败绩。正当球队的成绩上升,逐渐接近一流水平时,先是马拉结婚离队,哈维放弃女子棒球联合会,基特又与姐姐闹矛盾,调到另一支球队。但多莉的丈夫鲍勃从战场回来,给多莉以巨大支持。最后,多莉和鲍勃回到俄勒冈州,基特留在芝加哥成为一名职业球员。; k  \# N/ T. R1 [  B7 _# l5 d: b

) i7 H8 m! h5 }+ {+ g7 l  During World War II when all the men are fighting the war most of the jobs that were left vacant because of their absence were filled in by women. The owners of the baseball teams not wanting baseball to be dormant indefinitely decide to form teams with women. So scouts are sent all over the country to find women players. One of the scouts passes through Oregon and finds a woman named Dottie Hinson who is incredible. He approaches her and asks her to try out but she's not interested.
/ O' A8 n6 C3 y6 |8 _
4 ]: p: h/ t- }+ A* p  However her sister Kit who wants to get out of Oregon| offers to go. But he agrees only if she can get her sister to go. When they try out| they're chosen and are on the same team. Jimmy Dugan| a former player who's now a drunk is the team manager. But he doesn't feel as if it's a real job so he drinks and is not exactly doing his job. So Dottie steps up. After a few months when it appears the girls are not garnering any attention the league is facing closure till Dottie does something that ...
' k/ Y/ q  X- m5 T7 O- ?; l
. s& n3 ~# [, ~  b+ C5 Q8 S, |红粉联盟 - 幕后花絮
5 P; r$ E; k7 c0 u9 b( k
, l4 t0 i4 k+ }- S7 Q! H' x  Q    根据真实事件改编,是一部描写女子棒球队的体育励志片,人物刻画非常生动。该片不但是一部脍炙人口的体育题材的电影佳作,同时也是奥斯卡影帝汤姆汉克斯的早期代表作之一,性感歌星娜阿姨也在影片中出演了一个角色。% ~: V7 }' h% M* Z6 K
- i/ Z# |* }; a% W7 ?8 R, Y, k
% g% X. h2 z! ]' ~9 {- C7 d' T
3 V1 w. l) A" r- Z7 C( Q# L6 |' b  第16届日本电影学院奖 (1993)
0 [9 s5 y$ L8 T7 {  最佳外语片(提名)% v- V3 ^7 E8 b2 f% M6 A' ~

1 U. O) R* w' G' Y& b( X9 J9 x: v$ K  第17届报知映画赏 (1992)" B9 F1 @3 _, C0 q
  海外作品奖 潘妮·马歇尔
+ j( L7 G7 O+ o! h
  1. A.League.Of.Their.Own.1992.BluRayCD.720p.DTS.x264-CHD5 P! I* d  h  j6 U% V9 n! B7 P
  2. RELEASE DATE....: 12/18/2012
    8 H1 ~9 s. r0 Z3 B* G; s
  3. THEATRE DATE....: 1992
    1 E4 t$ I' }* ?* D6 U; Y3 ^0 X
  4. iMDB URL........: u% c! _3 D. J
  5. iMDB RATiNG.....: 7.0/10 (44,949 votes)
    9 i- H/ r- T9 C  i0 K5 x- }
  6. GENRE...........: xxxx/ f) u) R7 ?: ?
  7. SOURCE .........: A League of Their Own 1992 1080p Blu-ray AVC DTS-HD MA 5.1
    9 j' x1 u# G; S1 L$ ^7 X
  8. Video BiTRATE...: x264 L4.1 High @ 4652 Kbps
    8 W; B7 {2 @- l3 H1 O* ?+ h  ^8 X
  9. FRAME RATE......: 23.976 fps
    ( S' Q/ C5 q# a$ g) l
  10. AUDiO ..........: ENG DTS 5.1CH 1536Kbps  ^7 R% }; k$ K. j
  11. RUNTiME.........: 02:08:00 (h:m:s)
    & a" Z. O' [, w; \- C4 }  H+ b9 W
  12. ASPECT RATiO....: 2.415 : 1( G1 w  B3 j6 A' I) }
  13. RESOLUTiON......: 1280 X 530. \9 b' v* g: X2 P" r/ o( I" W
  14. SUBTiTLES.......: N/A4 s7 Z+ g7 x8 G9 q
  15. FilE SiZE.......: 5.5G
    6 f  v) ~* ^7 m# {  k# L3 q
  16. ENCODER.........: SweetSmile@CHD
    , H5 H7 t* q# t0 X) R% s: y
  17. x264 [info]: frame I:1735 Avg QP:18.67 size:104732
    2 C/ L+ S6 Z# W. a% \. N
  18. x264 [info]: frame P:40686 Avg QP:20.35 size: 38269# R0 ~  x+ F2 |% c
  19. x264 [info]: frame B:141708 Avg QP:21.13 size: 19245

- Y: v$ Z9 }, U2 k' `. V4 h7 y3 P; d# X; [+ i
, x2 I$ A/ ?) l7 T5 z, z, ]. F
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