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[蓝光原盘] 透明人/隐形人1+2部合集 [美版原盘] Hollow Man Double Feature 2000-2006 1080p US BluRaycd AVC DTS-HD MA 5.1-FGT 41.04GB








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kmvodys 发表于 2010-4-19 07:38:03 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
% o4 p6 u( o- b, y- H+ g7 c7 S

# R& J" E+ W6 n9 j◎译  名 透明人/透明人魔/隐形人) ?% H! Z2 J8 b* b% l! Q2 O4 Z
◎片  名 Hollow Man1 `+ @8 C" O& s$ D& M; C& [
◎年  代 20001 w& n7 M9 i: n5 T' W( Q# T8 p3 \
◎国  家 美国/德国2 ?( ?+ x3 r7 t  u6 Y
◎类  别 动作/科幻/惊悚# e1 @( u/ l6 D. Q7 k9 D5 B
◎语  言 英语
# _7 n$ d) }& B  l8 A: g# f◎上映日期 2000-08-04
' A) n8 @: d& @% M2 J) ^# j◎IMDb评分  5.7/10 from 111,751 users
5 d# S$ V8 t$ x, x1 z$ Z0 r◎IMDb链接
; C) @' l' b! Q) g# c' `◎豆瓣评分 6.6/10 from 37,695 users: n) `+ L( P9 E6 d, e
* I) L& v8 M6 U6 t! _# S◎文件格式 x264 + DTS- Z- ^7 |& o. M+ k$ N
◎视频尺寸 1920 x 1080
! ^7 d9 ^! q  {$ x% J. l* i◎文件大小 1DVD 41.04 GiB
! E8 w, b; J- `" [◎片  长 1:59:13.563 (
7 x7 u; H# H; w0 W& M◎导  演 保罗·范霍文 Paul Verhoeven3 E# {# f! w1 O9 g, ?7 f4 H/ E
◎编  剧 安德鲁·W·马洛 Andrew W. Marlowe
# l% n; T- T% R* r1 `: D       盖瑞·斯科特·汤普森 Gary Scott Thompson7 K4 }' Z5 u5 ~
◎主  演 凯文·贝肯 Kevin Bacon% L  x! v1 e- s6 K' I% j
       伊丽莎白·苏 Elisabeth Shue, C) g1 ]6 t$ a4 A
       乔什·布洛林 Josh Brolin
/ V# k. e% P* R5 f       金·迪肯斯 Kim Dickens% B5 w- ]9 [7 v: {1 L
       格雷戈·格伦伯格 Greg Grunberg/ x# @3 j% F/ E
       罗娜·迈特拉 Rhona Mitra2 b) l% a3 G2 q3 i+ M% t+ L

; a) i; [) \/ B; n. P, p: z: D$ }◎简  介     
( E' {* d3 X1 n* k& h5 K( w& ^9 G; v# [' V7 C
  When the leader of a team of scientists volunteers to be the test subject for their experiment in human invisibility he slowly unravels and turns against them with horrific consequences.
' S' E) U! O% ?# \* ?% ~
4 a$ j) l1 i  C% t7 `  隶属于美国军方的某神秘机构,正在进行着一项隐形技术的研究。科学家塞巴斯蒂安·凯恩(凯文·培根 Kevin Bacon 饰)是这支小组的主要负责人,经过多年的努力,他们的研究在动物身上已经初见成效。急功近利的塞巴斯蒂安无视药物的不稳定性,执意在自己身上尝试。该药物的隐形效果非常出色,但是塞巴斯蒂安却无法恢复正常。为此,他的搭档琳达·福斯特(伊莉莎白·舒尔 Elisabeth Shue 饰)和马特·肯辛顿(乔希·布鲁林 Josh Brolin饰)抓紧解药的开发,而塞巴斯蒂安却越来越喜欢隐形的感觉,透明的状态让他可以为所欲为。为了保持现有状态,他变得丧心病狂……' d4 M2 C9 o% F0 L: A) S5 a+ E

. G9 R9 C6 u6 {1 Y  本片荣获2001年美国科幻恐怖电影学院最佳特效奖、2000年洛迦诺国际电影节观众奖。+ C. {* {0 {' z

8 R8 M+ @9 W: x9 ?: Z4 \( l" a# |  Sebastian Caine heads a top-secret research project to unlock the secret of invisibility. When the formula works successfully on animals, an ecstatic Caine recklessly disobeys orders and experiments on himself. The invisible Caine, fueled by latent megalomaniac tendencies, quickly becomes intoxicated with his new-found power.
0 }! S# ?7 ~/ O8 w- }; M: o  Q' z3 |
0 o4 [' ~+ h+ f$ ?* _
- c, k3 J8 k5 ]" r  s1 ^  第73届奥斯卡金像奖 (2001)
' G: H8 D8 |% Z6 z) o  最佳视觉效果(提名) 斯科特·E·安德森 / 斯科特·斯多克迪克 / 克雷格·海斯 / 斯坦·帕克斯% K& B" c1 G( s6 L% b
; k8 _! K2 m' D, K+ e* Q8 T+ m
  1. DISC1 INFO:
    8 l1 d5 o6 f# ?  Z' N
  2. + l! E/ a/ @4 c$ P+ X: S6 f
  3. Disc Title: Hollow.Man.2000% v$ T: [$ g; V# L
  4. Disc Size: 44,070,912,070 bytes( t' z9 W3 F3 F+ r6 _  j6 K8 o
  5. Protection: AACS! T$ O7 O; O5 B6 y* W: g9 x' N. j+ d
  6. BD-Java: No4 W7 L- g# S: e4 |7 Z+ o
  7. BDInfo: 0.5.8
    5 i  b0 g! |0 M& z1 x# `

  8. 6 Q$ {4 l4 N# _4 J/ K* A; U! P
  9. PLAYLIST REPORT:3 _5 N' _( U# x' C3 c/ {8 g) U

  10. : u6 u) Z1 l: X) `  I. l
  11. Name: 00003.MPLS3 ~' f$ p5 |4 U' {0 z
  12. Length: 1:59:13.563 (
    ; p* Y; Q9 n: Q% ^7 j& v
  13. Size: 24,219,088,896 bytes0 s. W& j0 I" }- i+ y3 `; c
  14. Total Bitrate: 27.08 Mbps
    1 y  V* L. s6 P! L$ Z
  15. 0 Z, d! Z) y1 b" T, O% K) h" @
  16. Video:* I& X7 h+ T  x+ H) v7 w
  17. - P! U1 X6 y1 I, `8 f
  18. Codec Bitrate Description
    ( C: s) n) B# k0 ^) {4 H' L  E
  19. ----- ------- ----------- . e) K- p1 P+ x/ X( s
  20. MPEG-4 AVC Video 18992 kbps 1080p / 23.976 fps / 16:9 / High Profile 4.1( m  B# o6 m/ P1 j) p

  21. 1 v: N/ |: A" T2 t8 M
  22. AUDIO:! J9 L3 f, q2 X7 X. }

  23. $ W( y4 i9 x# J* }. h1 n/ l
  24. Codec Language Bitrate Description 7 R' k  N# F; G0 X0 X  L$ N
  25. ----- -------- ------- -----------   |4 J0 O) m+ P# _" Q9 j
  26. DTS-HD Master Audio English 2092 kbps 5.1 / 48 kHz / 2092 kbps / 16-bit (DTS Core: 5.1 / 48 kHz / 1509 kbps / 16-bit)
    : g5 W5 z1 H/ i- L) j
  27. DTS-HD Master Audio Spanish 4305 kbps 5.1 / 48 kHz / 4305 kbps / 24-bit (DTS Core: 5.1 / 48 kHz / 1509 kbps / 24-bit)* E( v+ a, `9 B, Z
  28.   D. I0 {+ S6 R* a2 s  r
    2 }# y( `9 T) E6 w1 m

  30. ; v% G1 m: r3 t* Z4 v! K5 A
  31. Codec Language Bitrate Description
    ( z1 H% G! F) h2 d  A# F# G, a) t
  32. ----- -------- ------- ----------- 0 {7 ^4 T) B! q6 a) R
  33. Presentation Graphics English 34.186 kbps
Hollow Man BluRayCD, Video Quality; T( L2 _/ o5 j( m/ ~/ b7 M# _

) [; o; V3 h/ h/ e3 j
% @+ U9 B1 `) V% ^5 ?Mill Creek's 1080p, AVC-encoded presentation of Hollow Man appears to use the same transferas Sony's 2007 Blu-ray, which looked quite good for its day and still does. However, the transferhas been remastered for this double-feature disc, with different audio and subtitle options, andthe bitrate is substantially lower (18.99 vs. 25.47 Mbps). As hard as I looked, however, I was notable to perceive any diminution in video quality, and when I put on the Sony disc immediatelyfollowing my viewing of Mill Creek's, there was no obvious improvement. The skills of Blu-raycompressionists have no doubt advanced in the six and a half years since Hollow Man's firstappearance on the format. It's possible that large-screen front projection may reveal flaws thatwere not obvious on my 72" screen. If so, I would like to hear from viewers with suchequipment. In the meantime, I see no reason for purchasers to favor one version over the other onthe issue of video.
/ t9 d8 i/ y1 {: U
$ f. t) o: K# s9 K  hAlthough Hollow Man pre-dated digital intermediates, so much of the film was digitallycomposited that it closely resembles a contemporary DI creation. The Blu-ray image is clear,sharp and detailed, with an almost harsh quality to the lighting in the research facility, which wasno doubt designed to enhance the "transparency" effects. The color palette is unrelentingly cold,with strong blues and whites (not teal, mind you: blues), and the blacks in the key scenes at nightare deep and solid. Cinematography Jost Vacano was clearly going for a chilly sense of sterility,even in scenes involving copious bleeding, and he achieved it./ Q! h+ p9 m, V2 u
0 q( ]& r! P% Q. x
Hollow Man Blu-ray, Audio Quality
3 `! q5 v7 u+ n( \0 [; p! t3 \
9 [( c2 C: I6 V" O! L% |
$ x% h1 d+ l) tWhere the Sony disc offered a choice of 5.1 soundtracks in lossy Dolby Digital or lossless PCM,the Mill Creek disc has a single option of DTS-HD MA 5.1. (An additional Spanish dub track isincluded as DTS-HD MA 5.1, misdescribed on the Blu-ray jacket as "2.0".)  The track makeseffective use of the discrete speaker array for such obvious effects as Sebastian's voice movingabout the room to convey his invisible travels. Subtler effects like the sounds of the lab facility (steam, electrical switches, machinery) are placed throughout the array and register almostsubliminally. Some of the soundtrack's best effects are quiet moments, when Sebastian'spresence is revealed by a near-silent exhalation of breath or the sound of a chair swiveling. Thetrue strength of a sound mix is often revealed by how well it handles the quiet moments, and thisone does so effectively.
. C) s" N1 s, N1 V6 m
+ v4 Q$ t& F! ?2 ^. _/ p# L7 g* w  }7 fJerry Goldsmith's score is mixed seamlessly to "punch up" some of the bigger moments. It's notentirely Goldsmith's fault that the score often seem to echo Basic Instinct, since there are pointsin the film when Verhoeven himself seems to be reaching for some of that earlier film's perversethrill. (He never comes close.)6 A' Y$ V. e8 l6 n6 j
! k6 h* }" h3 y
02.jpg * d1 r6 M$ v8 w1 p) h% O3 U8 b$ k: i

3 ]) |* J7 i: c3 M+ [7 d  q( v: ^$ {◎译  名 透明人2
3 W+ g0 Q/ H# T& \, ]3 {8 N◎片  名 Hollow Man II / Hollow Man 2# Q9 r. T2 a( B! ~* ?7 d5 L
◎年  代 2006
% ?6 |2 J* q3 t◎国  家 美国
5 ^4 y' T/ b; e◎类  别 动作/恐怖/科幻/惊悚' L& g, Z+ E) O# V$ I7 L' m
◎语  言 英语
. _3 d8 T+ i% z$ C◎上映日期 2006-05-23
1 l1 [2 s+ e, ^8 K0 a: C" L& c3 [" q◎IMDb评分  4.4/10 from 8,322 users
) K* J4 f2 y* @! r2 c  C6 a◎IMDb链接 h6 }- p7 [* B# L
◎豆瓣评分 5.6/10 from 8,018 users% d6 L5 u* ^6 U8 B4 {! {/ S. Z  Y
' O: s9 h1 f$ [* U& [◎文件格式 x264 + DTS
. a# C7 k6 ]4 H+ @◎视频尺寸 1920 x 1080
$ y1 P. t( L2 {4 W7 u& R◎文件大小 1DVD 41.04 GiB
" [: [( ]0 V, b# M◎片  长 1:31:17.263 ( f. _  J% b3 U6 L+ X
◎导  演 克劳迪奥·法 Claudio Fäh
& B4 i1 F8 `& Q◎编  剧 乔尔·苏瓦松 Joel Soisson
$ n' D) w$ P4 E6 H- t1 l◎主  演 克里斯蒂安·史莱特 Christian Slater; h; \, ^) l1 w* }
       彼得·费辛利 Peter Facinelli) _7 e9 h9 l& @4 ^
       劳拉·里根 Laura Regan
2 K+ {; q9 E& N6 E4 V       Jianna Ballard1 n) ~* B7 l2 H. m. W: F! L8 P
       谢拉赫·霍斯达尔 Chelah Horsdal
+ ^0 Z0 Q, p+ e+ ]) J       Alana Husband
0 ?- |4 m( f  i) Y/ I  _
' T2 b7 B& W; o◎简  介    8 r6 j- ], s/ E4 r7 X1 B
8 v5 }* G3 [0 D  x/ H
  A Seattle detective and a biologist are on the run from a dangerous invisible assassin gone rogue.
/ ?# Y% R( L: Z4 d3 V- }4 w
+ _+ [1 H$ k; e3 f  ^! F" w' R. G  某医学博士在派对上被一名透明人杀死,探员特纳(彼得·费辛利 Peter Facinelli 饰)与丽萨在勘察现场时却被告知此案由国防部接手,而他二人的任务是保护女生物学家道尔顿(劳拉·里根 Laura Regan 饰)。另一方面,透明人在杀死医学博士前,得知令自己身体好转的缓冲药剂只有道尔顿才能提供……# `* K' p4 V: ~, G
. m$ N& X; u8 A/ Z0 Z
1 a% B" B4 @7 i8 \6 C6 y
. {/ E- o+ R4 u, q4 C# ]
  1. DISC2 INFO:$ X; z. h' n! p) I: a/ J$ T

  2. , l& }( `2 p1 _8 f$ v9 ]$ P
  3. Disc Title: Hollow.Man.20060 Z5 e8 \+ S0 R0 Q8 D2 L
  4. Disc Size: 44,070,912,104 bytes
    9 C2 b4 m: ?/ O% [
  5. Protection: AACS
    : w( |4 I- H& o. P
  6. BD-Java: No4 X  @- Q. j9 F$ B7 p+ n* x7 r
  7. BDInfo: 0.0.2
    + T& I9 L( K% V; v* d) i& w
  8. . `, U; ]. v1 S  x- B- E8 R  J
  9. PLAYLIST REPORT:) X* l, ?; E3 G: o; L& ]# l- Z; ^: Q
  10. % {- g. [" s0 x( i
  11. Name: 00000.MPLS. N8 n# J$ R8 W; @) Q
  12. Length: 1:31:17.263 ( K0 S( ~. k5 \& V2 t% L' V+ k$ o
  13. Size: 19,183,773,696 bytes- w0 _) ?; S8 }% L: p6 x
  14. Total Bitrate: 28.02 Mbps% O$ b1 [/ {4 ~$ b3 I0 B

  15. + q% D5 h9 V3 m/ E& [
  16. VIDEO:: F8 r1 X/ G' h9 x
  17. 3 ]! h/ r3 ]( J: z9 H
  18. Codec Bitrate Description # |/ [9 ]8 S, S; f
  19. ----- ------- ----------- , \: ?6 p7 V. z! p. i
  20. MPEG-4 AVC Video 24492 kbps 1080p / 23.976 fps / 16:9 / High Profile 4.1' \+ U4 ~/ d$ D) B& Z9 t, d  I

  21.   V( F6 v1 C+ N, }
  22. AUDIO:
    5 v. K0 Y' w( I8 c
  23. : @8 d! \/ \/ t8 p2 Z4 z
  24. Codec Language Bitrate Description
    " W6 g3 ~5 N0 Q9 Z) Z4 O  o9 @. ~9 K
  25. ----- -------- ------- ----------- - X) k& `& R7 I: Y
  26. DTS-HD Master Audio English 2021 kbps 5.1 / 48 kHz / 2021 kbps / 16-bit (DTS Core: 5.1 / 48 kHz / 1509 kbps / 16-bit)
    / u% ~1 M; I/ U! y. s, S% A

  27. + x0 v3 \+ {% y6 ?4 E
    6 G3 V" W. k8 E; q# l4 j
  29. 8 j1 {5 x) C1 I/ ]8 z7 m4 i
  30. Codec Language Bitrate Description - h/ x: ]$ F* v
  31. ----- -------- ------- -----------
    " p/ ?) C; m5 G" q3 B
  32. Presentation Graphics English 34.766 kbps
Hollow Man 2 Blu-ray, Video Quality
8 N1 }& ~: X- [! z$ r% \' b% K! Y: _/ J' G

1 @5 G. S  d8 m* F( zHollow Man 2 was shot on film by Canadian cinematographer Peter Wunstorf, who recently shotthe first season of the AMC series The Killing and has worked as a camera operator on suchprojects as Brokeback Mountain. Mill Creek's 1080p, AVC-encoded Blu-ray features anunusually dark image that is somewhat lacking in contrast. The black levels are certainly verygood, and what you can see is detailed enough, but even in brightly lit interiors, you're aware thatthe image is unusually dim. Since the film went direct to video, there is no theatrical experiencewith which to compare the Blu-ray viewing. The dimness may have been a deliberate strategy todisguise economies in the production design. In any case, it doesn't interfere with one's ability tofollow the action on screen.* j9 q5 }5 B+ U: A

7 D  E7 p9 ]- ^! M& M2 J7 e  lColors are generally muted and dull, which may simply be intended to reflect the prevailingweather in the Pacific Northwest. The film's grain pattern appears natural and undisturbed, andalthough some light edge enhancement can be detected here and there, it's certainly not enough to cause noticeable ghosting or make the image "pop" off the screen. Noise and other transfer-induced anomalies were not in evidence, nor did I notice anycompression issues. As is often the case with Mill Creek, the image is adequate but not impressive(once you get used to the darkness).) z8 F4 A% \1 e
4 B$ N- f2 l, F
Hollow Man 2 Blu-ray, Audio Quality; y+ D: S( o' F1 @( T$ @2 z. t
/ T$ k. R# {5 N3 L* s( C
0 ^) N9 ?: i% x' Y
The film's original 5.1 mix, presented as DTS-HD MA 5.1, is a serviceable affair with cleardialogue, a basic sense of ambiance for environments such as the opening formal function, theSeattle police station and the crowded train station where a key meeting takes place. The sound ofrainfall that briefly renders Griffin visible is also effective. Overall, though, Hollow Man 2 islacking in the kind of subtle sound editing that created the creepy presence of an invisible man inthe first film, because so little of it occurs in enclosed spaces where an unseen presence stalks anunsuspecting prey. The forgettable score is by Marcus Trumpp, who would do much better work afew years later for the two Mesrine films.
7 r" O7 }" v, o" M
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lanpanshuma 发表于 2018-9-30 10:29:09 | 显示全部楼层
啥也不说了,楼主就是给力!  g) X/ _9 ~3 P  i4 a
至少是现在,我一天没有访问蓝光电影论坛就不爽!At least now, my day did not visit the Blu-ray Film Forum on unhappy!
# `, P7 o: Z+ o2 A








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sdyangyang 发表于 2021-2-24 19:05:12 | 显示全部楼层
% [  \" d0 |- F* j! O+ b0 tThank you for sharing such a good resource polite reply, very sorry for myself!, \5 b/ ?. M3 ?% L2 U8 |9 s! b1 P







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21cn 发表于 2018-10-5 14:06:56 | 显示全部楼层
楼主发贴辛苦了,I*老*虎*U!7 Q' m3 ~$ ^7 Q$ d
Thank you for sharing such a good resource polite reply, very sorry for myself!3 T7 z0 n$ s: n








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BlueCharlie 发表于 2018-10-2 15:39:08 | 显示全部楼层







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ytweb 发表于 2018-10-3 12:20:52 | 显示全部楼层
楼主发贴辛苦了,I*老*虎*U!! f% G8 Q! [& s; U
Thank you for sharing such a good resource polite reply, very sorry for myself!
% ]% u# w  l, S9 z3 c7 y, q
做人厚道些吧!我想还是好的……就是爱看美女的回复下 ...








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sxbdy 发表于 2018-10-5 21:14:30 | 显示全部楼层








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dxymp 发表于 2018-10-6 10:08:25 | 显示全部楼层








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pokolar 发表于 2021-2-3 23:57:12 | 显示全部楼层



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