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[蓝光原盘] 透明人1/透明人魔 [REMUX无损导剪版/自带中字] Hollow Man 2000 DC 1080p BluRaycd REMUX AVC TrueHD 5.1-FGT 26.41GB








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黄金嫖客 发表于 2018-11-29 03:23:50 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
When the leader of a team of scientists volunteers to be the test subject for their experiment in human invisibility he slowly unravels and turns against them with horrific consequences.
8 F4 P- S7 o1 t' ]& v) f' T
- V: J- i# z4 ] 01.jpg
# M( d1 C7 h* v4 j" _
! Z: q4 K% }3 d5 v: j% q6 p+ K9 Z: B! A( Z/ t
◎译  名 透明人/透明人魔/隐形人
7 K3 M8 a6 u0 p5 ~% _◎片  名 Hollow Man
8 ?+ F3 A2 c- A3 A◎年  代 2000. I, ^5 ^, j; H2 J. P, `, l, a
◎国  家 美国/德国
3 f/ g! C( D! J! U2 t# V0 p◎类  别 动作/科幻/惊悚
- e! _. ?% K8 Z' u) @$ P◎语  言 英语& _- ~6 Y4 Y3 K' V' L# V! k
◎上映日期 2000-08-04
# J. {7 o/ a7 t7 g* Y$ ^◎IMDb评分 5.7/10 from 112,668 users
: _, }* {$ ~  ^$ w2 [8 z  e* R◎IMDb链接 ?0 ]3 i8 S9 \4 h9 }& c9 X
◎豆瓣评分 6.6/10 from 38,249 users
2 X5 \: f) d0 I+ r! Z◎豆瓣链接
  Z0 g) l' y( w, ]& l6 v◎文件格式 x264 + TrueHD4 i; W3 `3 W, Y* ]0 e& L
◎视频尺寸 1920 x 1080
+ r- w" p+ t, C& c- `  k  Z◎文件大小 1DVD 26.41 GiB6 y, @8 e1 V7 }; j( B  O
◎片  长 1 h 59 min
3 \5 A: c- j' S1 Q9 T* G◎导  演 保罗·范霍文 Paul Verhoeven
+ }- A( G* C( U( k◎编  剧 安德鲁·W·马洛 Andrew W. Marlowe
; c- b# ]" [% H# {       盖瑞·斯科特·汤普森 Gary Scott Thompson
  J' W# R, j6 l. d◎主  演 凯文·贝肯 Kevin Bacon9 R( X; ^% {0 ^) X5 V) |) {
       伊丽莎白·苏 Elisabeth Shue9 f/ G2 H( W) \
       乔什·布洛林 Josh Brolin
, N& T7 @; b6 L6 [4 J; c       金·迪肯斯 Kim Dickens6 K0 \) N5 a, `7 K3 {) n
       格雷戈·格伦伯格 Greg Grunberg( D) X' H$ {8 v
       罗娜·迈特拉 Rhona Mitra# `" S& D8 s6 H1 \
' E5 q- G- c  x- X7 O# C1 Y
◎简  介     8 E, i" G2 i% K3 }
: {% S7 P6 q: Q$ x/ E# R4 F5 q
  隶属于美国军方的某神秘机构,正在进行着一项隐形技术的研究。科学家塞巴斯蒂安·凯恩(凯文·培根 Kevin Bacon 饰)是这支小组的主要负责人,经过多年的努力,他们的研究在动物身上已经初见成效。急功近利的塞巴斯蒂安无视药物的不稳定性,执意在自己身上尝试。该药物的隐形效果非常出色,但是塞巴斯蒂安却无法恢复正常。为此,他的搭档琳达·福斯特(伊莉莎白·舒尔 Elisabeth Shue 饰)和马特·肯辛顿(乔希·布鲁林 Josh Brolin饰)抓紧解药的开发,而塞巴斯蒂安却越来越喜欢隐形的感觉,透明的状态让他可以为所欲为。为了保持现有状态,他变得丧心病狂……$ _6 @+ A& ]8 C- X

( q& D& Q, \8 S  本片荣获2001年美国科幻恐怖电影学院最佳特效奖、2000年洛迦诺国际电影节观众奖。) v4 b" B/ d/ |0 ?  z) s
' Z  z0 ~+ d2 g7 M+ A
  Sebastian Caine heads a top-secret research project to unlock the secret of invisibility. When the formula works successfully on animals, an ecstatic Caine recklessly disobeys orders and experiments on himself. The invisible Caine, fueled by latent megalomaniac tendencies, quickly becomes intoxicated with his new-found power.3 g2 F) _# U1 G" J% I
+ Y" X; X# |  l% ]4 D1 U" p
; \8 p8 m3 ?( m! y2 S! M, \' V) K+ @
  第73届奥斯卡金像奖 (2001)
/ z2 A% K1 A) v  最佳视觉效果(提名) 斯科特·E·安德森 / 斯科特·斯多克迪克 / 克雷格·海斯 / 斯坦·帕克斯) a4 V. ?6 Z3 D, q& t3 f: Y* {

" [% N1 w* s+ @7 Q  第53届洛迦诺国际电影节  (2000)
+ ~( @# T4 h& t1 A: g5 [" g+ S4 I  观众选择奖 保罗·范霍文
, ~# i5 Z/ Y# |: m- P6 ^/ o( A6 v; ^) Z6 G! ]" w* V& B% y
' z( f' B* |" D2 i) e) @
  g% `1 l" U3 _; tFormat/Info..............................: Advanced Video Codec5 l3 M0 Z! `4 P+ ^2 W
Format profile...........................: High@L4.1: R' v' d3 {" l) P! _2 q/ z9 Z2 U
Format settings..........................: CABAC / 2 Ref Frames) P' M& T  Y% h/ v6 f9 J
Format settings, ReFrames................: 2 frames; [: r" {% a2 O
Duration.................................: 1 h 59 min
& w% N# Y6 E$ q- m; T3 xBit rate.................................: 25.5 Mb/s
3 k5 n3 {+ H- R& d2 y" I6 EWidth....................................: 1 920 pixels
0 m* B4 V/ P4 b  }, qHeight...................................: 1 080 pixels
/ J- J3 m  k. @- jDisplay aspect ratio.....................: 16:9
' X' ?" {1 D% c9 u: j* {, ?7 E( MFrame rate...............................: 23.976 (24000/1001) FPS
6 u& S+ q% s( n% H0 S/ L% R9 `Bits/(Pixel*Frame).......................: 0.512
* a; R* I" J# t9 A. ZStream size..............................: 21.2 GiB (80%), d3 r) [4 H6 m/ t; ]$ c7 f
Title....................................: Hollow.Man.2000.DC.1080p.BluRayCD.REMUX.AVC.TrueHD.5.1-FGT
/ ~6 b$ G9 n7 e2 m: j' [4 M3 ?+ qLanguage.................................: English: W  U4 N1 r2 X! e
' i* g& D2 K1 I  @1 |
-----------------Audio #1-----------------1 W. [- {8 W. t
Format...................................: MLP FBA7 V' t7 h) \- O7 s! _% P% _9 f% |% Z
Format/Info..............................: Meridian Lossless Packing FBA
$ I+ X9 v1 p0 J, ]+ J# K% h/ HCommercial name..........................: Dolby TrueHD: |' M1 O) C/ s: n. C9 f
Duration.................................: 1 h 59 min
7 W' ~6 j9 D; ?# b9 v8 o1 ABit rate.................................: 1 615 kb/s
! x$ d1 ^2 l  m. R6 o1 ?Maximum bit rate.........................: 3 348 kb/s
7 ]5 ?6 |0 T5 r! ^Channel(s)...............................: 6 channels. @( v8 R' }) I5 H0 k$ _  I' ]
Channel layout...........................: L R C LFE Ls Rs
: Y/ R7 ]5 m/ s/ c# t1 y2 uStream size..............................: 1.35 GiB (5%)' _6 e  J& _5 g' {
Title....................................: Hollow.Man.2000.DC.1080p.BluRaycd.REMUX.AVC.TrueHD.5.1-FGT! G4 s) [5 k5 N: j+ g
Language.................................: English
! Z4 J% c) u7 j: q" v6 T
" [/ B. m, s  `6 O: f-----------------Audio #2-----------------: N8 u0 ~  G2 Q
Format/Info..............................: Audio Coding 3, e% d4 C2 t0 `7 ]3 O- w. l
Commercial name..........................: Dolby Digital1 a5 h( K# }: R5 p* F
Duration.................................: 1 h 59 min
8 K; P+ }" R. M$ h  OBit rate.................................: 640 kb/s/ r( W: ~8 [; w2 T
Channel(s)...............................: 6 channels+ `; x9 ?1 t- P; M3 d% s8 f* d
Channel layout...........................: L R C LFE Ls Rs0 ~3 m  m' K. M) N5 v/ h, g( N) w) v
Stream size..............................: 546 MiB (2%)7 j; K+ d/ }3 x, t6 t1 d$ G( v6 j
Title....................................: Hollow.Man.2000.DC.1080p.BluRaycd.REMUX.AVC.TrueHD.5.1-FGT1 S( G4 G& f1 c: U, w
Language.................................: English
) {, p' s3 Q! R  e; v* U$ i
! m2 M. w0 G, S/ h-----------------Audio #3-----------------6 x- ^, @5 H& J% w4 _
Format/Info..............................: Audio Coding 3' y6 R: a6 F! f2 `! a; u1 k
Commercial name..........................: Dolby Digital7 m5 b' a% u8 H/ J( {! C
Duration.................................: 1 h 59 min/ q8 o, c/ J, h& X; L
Bit rate.................................: 640 kb/s
  R  T) n9 |6 `& JChannel(s)...............................: 6 channels
0 \' v4 k; h* w* {: s0 |$ n/ AChannel layout...........................: L R C LFE Ls Rs' G5 j% p# i* k8 O, X2 I$ [
Stream size..............................: 546 MiB (2%)5 n2 [) ~% z. m, i* J
Title....................................: Hollow.Man.2000.DC.1080p.BluRaycd.REMUX.AVC.TrueHD.5.1-FGT
. x/ p/ S$ g: q7 J' D% r1 BLanguage.................................: Spanish& f+ K4 s. j' ^% }' |" f
' h$ e1 B8 s9 t% D6 T
-----------------Audio #4-----------------9 D' R# x! G5 k2 x( a
Format/Info..............................: Audio Coding 3
. I+ T* D3 V- ~! K; m! a, x3 _Commercial name..........................: Dolby Digital
% T  C4 e5 V1 ]) S' IDuration.................................: 1 h 59 min
/ W' c/ H: Y4 G, kBit rate.................................: 640 kb/s, I+ Z0 Y: {$ l/ K/ {. |
Channel(s)...............................: 6 channels- r( F& v! m0 q/ N! Y5 O5 T
Channel layout...........................: L R C LFE Ls Rs9 j: X( `7 Z/ x3 r
Stream size..............................: 546 MiB (2%)! _4 X* z- u1 Y# W
Title....................................: Hollow.Man.2000.DC.1080p.BluRaycd.REMUX.AVC.TrueHD.5.1-FGT
1 H+ l1 F' z2 y1 s% l' B2 o, U6 W/ ^. wLanguage.................................: Portuguese' z2 J$ M/ o3 ]0 g8 s; J  M) a5 k
9 U* Y1 A! G+ v. h' ]$ _4 x0 G; F* J
-----------------Audio #5-----------------/ r! u' s7 E* k( ~2 h# _9 E: w
Format/Info..............................: Audio Coding 3
, Z, `, }, r. L  I' gCommercial name..........................: Dolby Digital" c4 I. i0 R6 g& U! \9 @
Duration.................................: 1 h 59 min/ I3 c! B7 U0 d# W- N5 r# ?! E
Bit rate.................................: 640 kb/s6 ?& u. e* U8 l; K, |
Channel(s)...............................: 6 channels
+ x1 ~, ^1 \3 rChannel layout...........................: L R C LFE Ls Rs
( e- j+ N* {! v( E- D. lStream size..............................: 546 MiB (2%)
1 v7 @# z3 l; M1 LTitle....................................: Hollow.Man.2000.DC.1080p.BluRaycd.REMUX.AVC.TrueHD.5.1-FGT" g# b% ], R! Y9 s. ], ?
Language.................................: Czech
: R; N+ T/ c. q3 {4 b1 K$ V! [7 K6 S/ n7 m
-----------------Audio #6-----------------
; I% O5 w/ j- K: W  OFormat/Info..............................: Audio Coding 36 \9 P" n5 Z9 |! ^3 m/ w" c! S
Commercial name..........................: Dolby Digital
9 B6 ?8 {" B9 o1 X6 \Duration.................................: 1 h 59 min0 J- f8 {1 n% \2 [
Bit rate.................................: 640 kb/s
% ~  V  S8 r) e  i$ `Channel(s)...............................: 6 channels
" i$ T; A* z# n+ ^# O1 UChannel layout...........................: L R C LFE Ls Rs& i& H. r0 c0 p0 x* J6 v$ g
Stream size..............................: 546 MiB (2%)0 h6 r1 N3 d  e5 U
Title....................................: Hollow.Man.2000.DC.1080p.BluRaycd.REMUX.AVC.TrueHD.5.1-FGT
# `5 E( W- @  q, gLanguage.................................: Hungarian. }/ y7 G' d5 M5 u* t/ Y! V" }

6 |" S) i6 c2 Q1 K. `) u-----------------Audio #7-----------------7 F% n% [9 h6 n' ^
Format/Info..............................: Audio Coding 3
) ]$ p! ]# I/ ?- i0 U' E6 E8 E( qCommercial name..........................: Dolby Digital
# v) w& u, j; G( H+ m. q3 vDuration.................................: 1 h 59 min
& D# b9 s/ M- [; ]' ^. ZBit rate.................................: 640 kb/s
" `9 Z, f8 m: ZChannel(s)...............................: 6 channels
% W3 u3 R  {. gChannel layout...........................: L R C LFE Ls Rs
: z9 c0 {1 ?- t& RStream size..............................: 546 MiB (2%)
- X  [! N0 H9 L5 W7 W0 v$ c- }Title....................................: Hollow.Man.2000.DC.1080p.BluRaycd.REMUX.AVC.TrueHD.5.1-FGT4 Y( I8 p* j* s( S
Language.................................: Polish4 |5 Q8 y, Q+ K

3 }; p  |5 M: ?7 Q-----------------Audio #8-----------------
: t& [  B# S: L2 j$ z- q) \; O2 }3 OFormat/Info..............................: Audio Coding 3  d6 p* J! l. b- p0 _
Commercial name..........................: Dolby Digital- a3 F2 z( y) H! P) U$ c
Duration.................................: 1 h 59 min( o* V0 ^1 \* R5 M
Bit rate.................................: 640 kb/s' d  A2 I  e+ U$ K
Channel(s)...............................: 6 channels1 p  c8 Y8 T- G* m' {. l* ^
Channel layout...........................: L R C LFE Ls Rs+ A; W8 u: t& o2 O: \, L
Stream size..............................: 546 MiB (2%)* i) ^2 W: M. w" K
Title....................................: Hollow.Man.2000.DC.1080p.BluRaycd.REMUX.AVC.TrueHD.5.1-FGT
. i8 b6 j/ u  T% bLanguage.................................: Russian2 a+ C2 Q& Z% X+ t* Y( W1 O6 X

$ `4 ~6 J) }7 Q- r5 t6 F----------------Subtitle #1---------------
9 P, V1 w, b6 L- nCodec ID/Info............................: Picture based subtitle format used on BDs/HD-DVDs
# m  d; D& R7 n) GDuration.................................: 1 h 48 min& ?' h7 e( l! j. R6 e% V/ D
Bit rate.................................: 24.6 kb/s
# G# W/ w5 Y7 K3 Q# Y8 VCount of elements........................: 2138* `2 R9 n/ {$ [1 u6 ~. D
Stream size..............................: 19.0 MiB (0%)8 {$ A+ m: p4 x9 v+ K
Language.................................: English
, f  W! R/ g1 H* |+ ]
- W. z9 A& y( _" B: X2 B; F----------------Subtitle #2---------------$ S4 `9 e* _  M7 ?7 C
Codec ID/Info............................: Picture based subtitle format used on BDs/HD-DVDs- B  S8 @% h) N
Duration.................................: 1 h 50 min
) N$ b' }3 [! h" A6 UBit rate.................................: 25.4 kb/s
- Z. K) j9 q' S4 j% J# O. [Count of elements........................: 2172$ s2 C, M! S) f6 T4 f* P. ]
Stream size..............................: 20.0 MiB (0%)% I, f, c) g. ]  T7 G. ^! U' ?) j
Language.................................: Spanish! A. O. w1 G# |, }9 ]; K8 \* T

" s% L& N2 a: L. j4 ^7 a* k----------------Subtitle #3---------------
: k9 K) c6 X' f  C1 F, |Codec ID/Info............................: Picture based subtitle format used on BDs/HD-DVDs
7 P8 D; L0 ?) Y. ZDuration.................................: 1 h 31 min& F7 L/ Q7 q( {- O* I
Bit rate.................................: 83 b/s
9 l2 W; c5 v# ^! q& N- n6 qCount of elements........................: 10
2 ]& n0 i% d( `5 P* R. gStream size..............................: 55.5 KiB (0%)- E9 L: Z: X* f; l" p/ Q; D
Language.................................: Spanish* ]& P$ J' [: J6 E& `" Y
* h! d# ~6 q) V/ Q. t0 P6 g; Z
----------------Subtitle #4---------------
3 \& e6 _/ I3 m. d$ @1 S3 g& OCodec ID/Info............................: Picture based subtitle format used on BDs/HD-DVDs, b' q6 i' g) ?/ k8 ~9 p  m, m0 w$ l3 `
Duration.................................: 1 h 50 min( `( D/ x+ G/ I* i9 y* p
Bit rate.................................: 23.4 kb/s
; b& q+ p! P) W7 b# Y9 W. ACount of elements........................: 1884
+ \7 F& z- V0 R, N3 MStream size..............................: 18.6 MiB (0%)" c4 y4 ^* u, \7 F6 M1 N$ A3 x6 u& i
Language.................................: Portuguese
" z' {6 z1 c5 A% E/ Z& B# s" X& L, F# a- i& C# v" ]
----------------Subtitle #5---------------
7 G6 i: \  v: [' ]' CCodec ID/Info............................: Picture based subtitle format used on BDs/HD-DVDs+ e' j; y0 F: ^0 ^" D: f4 b( L
Duration.................................: 20 min 37 s
& g2 c7 S5 @  f* X7 _& BBit rate.................................: 116 b/s) d0 \4 k7 Z) S5 M
Count of elements........................: 4
' t, F) x6 Q% p2 K8 \. FStream size..............................: 17.6 KiB (0%)2 W' q8 K6 [% C, @7 y4 y; l
Language.................................: Portuguese& b6 N: O" e; x) y0 l( m. W
( n" ?. G$ f, `6 F/ ]0 U
----------------Subtitle #6---------------+ I+ y  W+ n: d# ?0 w6 j+ @
Codec ID/Info............................: Picture based subtitle format used on BDs/HD-DVDs. O9 L, \# N1 ?" f! z: T
Duration.................................: 1 h 48 min
/ u% T9 Z1 I7 o7 nBit rate.................................: 22.2 kb/s
, m$ R% P- M1 P( m( h& _# \3 fCount of elements........................: 2170
! H+ P; K" u' ?Stream size..............................: 17.2 MiB (0%)4 m1 k7 ~; X  _6 K6 }
Language.................................: Chinese9 v- q) t" z. S" Y

+ g, x$ A( k( s# Q' n----------------Subtitle #7---------------+ z( `) s* I  ^( C) I5 w/ g1 h) U
Codec ID/Info............................: Picture based subtitle format used on BDs/HD-DVDs
2 W2 L3 l2 t8 z4 \  h- N6 ~Duration.................................: 1 h 48 min& q9 p% K, i# S7 X  F5 ?
Bit rate.................................: 21.3 kb/s
5 k9 s' f; `" ]) ^3 J' DCount of elements........................: 2160
5 Y& q1 k4 z1 v: gStream size..............................: 16.4 MiB (0%), F" t% n/ R( o. A! }8 d$ N
Language.................................: Czech
3 i- }4 e! K7 m/ D" I" w1 _
2 @9 }/ E$ Y( l7 u----------------Subtitle #8---------------) t6 `) h6 L# m9 B
Codec ID/Info............................: Picture based subtitle format used on BDs/HD-DVDs5 E" l- Z& R6 h; G6 K* J  R
Duration.................................: 1 h 37 min% F/ V; b0 y  u5 D1 i  g6 x* {- F
Bit rate.................................: 148 b/s1 \* l$ }1 \2 Y5 u8 ?
Count of elements........................: 22, J3 g$ o# ^& O' G
Stream size..............................: 106 KiB (0%)
+ f" [3 [1 a0 G: E6 T8 r, rLanguage.................................: Czech
9 r! R3 c# y3 B$ W' k$ R
2 x0 N% o2 d% |. E5 `! B+ l----------------Subtitle #9---------------2 S0 e6 T) @& u( U9 e- a; H' t
Codec ID/Info............................: Picture based subtitle format used on BDs/HD-DVDs/ o/ S2 }( h  W* Q4 B+ A3 X
Duration.................................: 1 h 48 min
2 o+ i0 \, C- O3 {/ xBit rate.................................: 18.6 kb/s. t- u/ r1 ?3 Z6 s' E
Count of elements........................: 2160' E* A* P: x5 G; U: f
Stream size..............................: 14.4 MiB (0%)
: d8 Z% j, J( Y2 Z' tLanguage.................................: Hungarian) h8 X2 G# G- ~$ ]

, E) B3 ^. g" |----------------Subtitle #10--------------
" {; Z0 J2 N$ ?6 z) w6 iCodec ID/Info............................: Picture based subtitle format used on BDs/HD-DVDs: ^+ x$ F7 d" S3 s0 |, h
Duration.................................: 1 h 34 min
% S8 f& O( J$ K! e5 MBit rate.................................: 107 b/s6 _/ c+ M" X5 `5 g  X7 q) R& B
Count of elements........................: 18/ X5 t' ?  k3 Y3 W2 F6 I6 `0 H
Stream size..............................: 74.7 KiB (0%)
8 b9 b  }5 q2 r" h9 }3 @Language.................................: Hungarian3 R. }9 l0 e) g# }: w* v# U- i3 Y7 @- K

5 N, T/ Q3 }' L. T' h6 `4 _1 k6 ]2 b----------------Subtitle #11--------------' V0 @/ Y8 @" n4 S4 r, S  V& T$ W! F
Codec ID/Info............................: Picture based subtitle format used on BDs/HD-DVDs4 @7 ]  E8 O0 H: k6 P# I3 B
Duration.................................: 1 h 48 min
8 v  A4 E' _/ Z4 E6 DBit rate.................................: 17.8 kb/s
( ]' G: N  N1 V; xCount of elements........................: 2158
5 i, n, `! J# i. \$ \$ {Stream size..............................: 13.7 MiB (0%)3 x9 N/ f: _& J/ U
Language.................................: Polish( ?6 X1 l3 `1 |# ]

0 T  d& D4 \; F, t----------------Subtitle #12--------------
8 b$ b- u) x9 A5 I2 x6 ZCodec ID/Info............................: Picture based subtitle format used on BDs/HD-DVDs9 X. j( d! t4 b9 U  s+ b* z# g: u
Duration.................................: 1 h 37 min; x6 Y5 a' V! \( L+ V2 k
Bit rate.................................: 135 b/s
4 L8 t+ U: @2 v( r6 K7 A  v6 Q! K  ZCount of elements........................: 20+ l, _+ a' p* o) i- k( f
Stream size..............................: 96.8 KiB (0%)
0 S# I6 X" r0 QLanguage.................................: Polish% |  l, k8 M; z" `8 \9 V
, ?& P) R7 E/ @: ?* r, S$ z; Q! ~! P
----------------Subtitle #13--------------$ S/ Q& y0 ^; J
Codec ID/Info............................: Picture based subtitle format used on BDs/HD-DVDs9 e0 Y3 k0 i4 r5 V' H
Duration.................................: 1 h 37 min
& D* T. c0 s  L0 _. u$ w( @2 B, GBit rate.................................: 178 b/s
! J9 z9 X, C, {% s. P) }2 H, DCount of elements........................: 24
0 d/ |% P% S8 ]/ g9 W/ yStream size..............................: 127 KiB (0%)2 }  O+ {" V; ~2 I6 _7 O0 v0 @* `
Language.................................: Russian
, i9 b* W- Q# ~
# O, a9 y+ m5 M% k----------------Subtitle #14--------------& v. n! h! \; n% q0 O
Codec ID/Info............................: Picture based subtitle format used on BDs/HD-DVDs
, I  M$ C& ^+ p" KDuration.................................: 1 h 37 min
: z3 l6 M5 d& p: B5 I/ h! o' HBit rate.................................: 178 b/s) w; r. L+ p/ f& I0 X
Count of elements........................: 24
# L. H0 j# ]- s+ f$ y% F7 ^Stream size..............................: 127 KiB (0%): u4 m2 E8 p- n  N6 r
Language.................................: Russian
  w# `0 G+ @6 h+ f! H( G. z, \( f2 R0 f( f- x, w
------------------Chapter-----------------, Y/ P$ \6 |1 ]
00:00:00.000.............................: en:Chapter 01' [. z3 ^3 J8 {- a
00:08:56.494.............................: en:Chapter 02# h+ d0 H. m. L: _8 u" M
00:12:54.899.............................: en:Chapter 03$ V# G' r% K& e5 S4 s
00:22:41.068.............................: en:Chapter 04
4 m6 X5 \6 f' a5 b) A6 A00:28:52.105.............................: en:Chapter 059 N4 x: m8 m( V1 I
00:36:01.993.............................: en:Chapter 06
' f* E0 D" q4 b: y- t00:47:28.262.............................: en:Chapter 07
8 x- |# A$ k1 l7 o00:50:47.627.............................: en:Chapter 08
& h2 K6 R/ F# }3 S% u00:59:09.963.............................: en:Chapter 09
" B# f/ C. _- v& D, M4 C01:09:29.874.............................: en:Chapter 10& c9 q# S: D' ^+ k
01:12:29.928.............................: en:Chapter 11
$ o1 h3 B0 n- J3 @0 G. h# ?% l# ]01:23:45.770.............................: en:Chapter 123 Y/ w1 }" j/ e* N
01:29:46.047.............................: en:Chapter 13
- y+ u$ R1 O. f: n9 q01:36:08.971.............................: en:Chapter 14
  F) V, ~3 a$ S9 D: k6 {* T+ l01:42:31.937.............................: en:Chapter 15
1 M9 Y% f) m( F# X; q( u" }& T01:46:36.473.............................: en:Chapter 16
, g" L& m5 G" [- D- h" Z5 _

1 e+ Q8 G8 g/ r" N- u' H$ B- K% f& [6 `; H0 ]6 Q
4 X  R4 E' l, q& V$ s* c7 Q
Hollow Man Blu-ray, Video Quality
, c2 l( x7 U) D, c$ _* G# E7 d2 xAs only a seven year old release, the film elements of Hollow Man are in excellent shape and this Blu-ray version of the film sports a reference-grade transfer.  Encoded with the stellar AVC codec, the film looks pristine and free from any defects.  Much of the film takes place in a sealed laboratory complex with an abundance of fluorescent lighting.  This gives many of the film's scenes an eerie blue tint that adds to the sterile and clinical nature of the film.  Black levels throughout the film are rock sold and shadow detail is extraordinary.  Fine detail is also very impressive.  Much of the film features an abundance of complex CGI effects that are very impressive to behold in high definition.  When I saw this film theatrically, I recall the effects having a very digital look to them.  This Blu-ray presentation actually improves the look of these effects and, though the added detail of a high definition presentation, makes the effects ever so slightly more realistic.  This is yet another example of the stellar work being done at Sony!* s6 s+ y8 `8 d+ _1 w, x7 E. K
; m3 l- r- f' z$ w
Hollow Man Blu-ray, Audio Quality
1 }7 w* t% H6 S9 T4 }: }( QI was a bit surprised at the sound mix for Hollow Man.  Presented in uncompressed PCM 5.1, the track is actually quite subdued.  Dialogue was well presented and perfectly placed within the mix.  The late, great Jerry Goldsmith's outstanding score is also amazing to behold with rich strings and powerful sizzles and stings.  The film's many action scenes tend to crank the volume of the mix up a few notches while still maintaining fidelity and never resolving into a fuzzed out mess.  While most of the film is predominantly front-loaded, there are some nice moments where the surround channels deliver some interesting directional effects.  Be sure to listen carefully during the "hide and seek" scene between Sebastian and his coworkers.  As Sebastian invisibly moves around the room, his voice will follow his movements around your surround channels.  Nice touch!
' v0 O9 A% w# b, x+ Q
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