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[蓝光原盘] 实习生/见习冇限耆 [蓝光原盘] The Intern 2015 1080p BluRaycd AVC DTS-HD MA 5.1-RARBG 28.19GB & 28.56GB








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3122 枚
28243 点


黄金嫖客 发表于 2023-7-23 01:25:09 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
70-year-old widower Ben Whittaker has discovered that retirement isn't all it's cracked up to be. Seizing an opportunity to get back in the game, he becomes a senior intern at an online fashion site, founded and run by Jules Ostin.# I( r6 J; p2 D% e1 q
% T" u  q7 h2 `

+ x. g' ?4 F& G+ N0 W% A+ }0 q: |$ m9 A, R
◎译  名 实习生/见习冇限耆(港)/高年级实习生(台)% r, s' L" U% V4 [5 V# }# M5 b
◎片  名 The Intern6 {$ y% b$ y; v6 ^  v$ I3 {
◎年  代 2015
; p- M' C% T1 ~) G% d◎产  地 美国
) E9 Z4 K6 A& i9 K7 d% r% ]◎类  别 喜剧/剧情
; x( i& i: l, ^; ]◎语  言 英语8 c5 w# ?! B& q$ O
◎上映日期 2015-09-25(美国)- C7 J  \4 b5 A, ~/ q- \2 P% `5 p3 y4 K
◎IMDb评分  7.1/10 from 236,744 users1 Z. e$ J1 z, B# c2 U; K' x
◎IMDb链接 [2 C* C+ W* D# I( [
◎豆瓣评分 8.0/10 from 254,167 users" Q' E/ E% z: @3 L; c
◎豆瓣链接! y8 O% Z# m4 d
◎文件格式 x264 + DTS
. Q* G0 F5 s% e: H7 ?0 v◎视频尺寸 1920 x 1080
3 J7 t( L, y, k◎文件大小 1DVD 28.19 GiB & 28.56 GiB
# w. [' p/ b3 t% x2 k◎片  长 2:01:31.951 (; |6 u# n' _8 F: h7 H4 h
◎导  演 南希·迈耶斯 Nancy Meyers8 ]* P* U* }. }# E( i3 h
◎编  剧 南希·迈耶斯 Nancy Meyers
. V2 b( n1 z/ E  `, f◎主  演 罗伯特·德尼罗 Robert De Niro- K  Q8 J, o7 v6 h* J- L
       安妮·海瑟薇 Anne Hathaway, \5 K. X5 a9 `2 }! a
       蕾妮·罗素 Rene Russo
6 F& a0 e( G9 {! Z) r- Q       安德雷斯·霍尔姆 Anders Holm
! \# U5 i, K$ B8 c       乔乔·库什纳 JoJo Kushner1 S5 O; J) u' ^% x
       安德鲁·兰内斯 Andrew Rannells/ x2 a. }0 C8 g! M2 s1 S- K. D
       亚当·德维尼 Adam DeVine
+ |2 b4 ?" {4 b5 q* P* ]       扎克·珀尔曼 Zack Pearlman
8 d- S/ J; [$ i% ?/ }       杰森·奥利 Jason Orley
& }  U2 w* [' T7 }       克里斯蒂娜·谢勒 Christina Scherer
' P- R  ]( p. ]7 p' U0 X$ g9 m5 B( X       纳特·沃尔夫 Nat Wolff$ ^6 j- s  S4 _( m) V# _; R
       琳达·拉文 Linda Lavin5 a0 H9 A; C# Y' ~% l- \
       西利亚·维斯顿 Celia Weston. G( ^. @$ y8 ~0 o. ^
       史蒂夫·维诺维奇 Steve Vinovich
$ P* a* \9 c  O- f% I0 h# l1 _% X       玛丽·凯·普莱斯 Mary Kay Place
+ S% _# k1 u3 P3 x       德瑞娜·德尼罗 Drena De Niro* c8 j6 G( C( o
       克里斯蒂娜·布鲁卡托 Christina Brucato5 M, p: c/ d( v. W  I7 e% g
       C·J·威尔逊 C.J.Wilson
3 s- U  e- O2 d7 }       瓦莉斯·柯里-伍德 Wallis Currie-Wood7 t) D0 _) a: h- p
       莫莉·伯纳德 Molly Bernard
0 C% N) M/ Y( C, f9 B: c       西德尼·莫顿 Sydney Morton# t* Z# Q% R+ I+ J% n' Y. N8 @
       利兹·霍坦 Liz Holtan
: ^7 a1 W" t3 r       马克斯·埃森 Max von Essen
2 |- v+ v/ H  ^( w! K       肖恩·克莱尔 Sean Kleier; b# X. j- R, g
       埃利奥特·维拉尔 Elliot Villar
5 p1 G0 [4 t: h# L# k       迈克尔·曼 Michael Mann
1 h; M! @2 K. f# o- B       凯勒布·朗 Cayleb Long0 D  l, P2 o* M- d, u
       瑞德·斯科特 Reid Scott8 W. D4 ^4 H$ a5 `
       Erin Mackey Erin Mackey; r& ]$ v, ~0 J) {1 K
       彼得·瓦克 Peter Vack7 F1 T/ v. \2 f7 u0 D$ e2 E
       克里斯汀·伊万格丽斯塔 Christine Evangelista
6 c% x3 P' w; o: A  Z  i       史蒂文·韦斯 Steven Weisz; l5 U6 W; h+ j, |2 ^6 c! T# L
. C) A, H, M. Z8 }, b8 J/ ^
◎标  签 温情 | 美国 | 职场 | 成长 | 励志 | 喜剧 | 女性 | 剧情
9 S0 M7 F9 v$ M  P  _; y$ x/ O6 C' i3 \1 _; W; I4 _% `, V
◎简  介   
. Q( Q3 U8 E" V! Y9 e+ L' ~3 y* ~. i+ w& s3 Q8 H( z* b7 H
  年近七十的本(罗伯特·德尼罗 Robert De Niro 饰)曾经是一位精明强干,事业有成的商人,最终,他还是和大部分老年人一样开始了平淡的退休生活。本对忙碌而又充实的过去无比怀念,孤独与内心里蠢蠢欲动的渴望让他做出了重回职场的决定,成为了年轻的朱尔斯(安妮·海瑟薇 Anne Hathaway 饰)手下的一名小小员工。
; S& j5 ~* Y) I" T5 i. T& @4 M1 Y) e2 p6 ^! b
  朱利安年纪虽轻却是一家著名时尚购物网站的创办人,为了事业,她牺牲了自己全部的业余时间和感情生活,这份事业带给了朱利安荣耀,却也成为了她肩上沉重的负担,更糟的是,公司董事会已经开始怀疑,朱利安是否能够胜任她目前的职位了。起初,朱利安并没有将年迈又落伍的本放在眼里,然而,随着时间的推移,这位慈祥的长者渐渐成为了她生活中最真挚的友人。; k" H1 B' x6 j4 L

8 F8 M1 ?/ b: S1 h( n  Seventy-year-old widower Ben Whittaker has discovered that retirement isn't all it's cracked up to be. Seizing an opportunity to get back in the game, he becomes a senior intern at an online fashion site, founded and run by Jules Ostin.- `2 p! D# F9 b; z$ z9 Q% q( V
" G# U5 [5 B- ~, i
◎获奖情况7 S- U) L+ y9 f$ x9 A6 R/ D$ v! B
4 N" }5 \+ Q1 }
  第21届美国评论家选择电影奖 (2016)
0 j; i7 {. U  k: m+ S5 q% V- I- U  喜剧片最佳男主角(提名) 罗伯特·德尼罗
" g  R0 ^8 r5 g, C: f9 g. P  
! ^" b3 W8 J% s' C( q  第6届豆瓣电影鑫像奖 (2016). F) ~1 M7 G, q
  鑫豆单元最佳喜剧片(提名). A0 Y3 K6 H+ z8 n% ~" d- s
; ]* T( w, Q1 h9 I* z
    $ K% n- b, m& J

  2. ) c, j/ f0 n$ ?7 a
  3. Disc Title: The.Intern.2015.1080p.BluRayCD.AVC.DTS-HD.MA.5.1-RARBG 28.19 GB
    8 `' o, |' G$ }
  4. Disc Size:  30,264,356,557 bytes
    5 Y' P  A( G3 V/ c% s" ]
  5. Protection: AACS
    8 y9 o: T( P2 P, ^. F9 o6 s
  6. BD-Java:  No- U, R$ b: J' l& S+ `$ M( v" X' {
  7. BDInfo:   0.5.8. s6 h# T5 |4 t( P7 K/ Q; Y( ?
    ! x! k' E$ `5 q% P, z/ X, }
  9. Name:       00100.MPLS' @+ L/ N" B" h: K8 b( J6 \, K
  10. Length:     2:01:31.951 ( ^/ n8 s0 f- `# S
  11. Size:       27,295,555,584 bytes! S- S9 K; B3 Q
  12. Total Bitrate:    29.95 Mbps" Y) ~. ^3 I; v0 z7 e

  13.   `: |8 Q) O$ |( B0 O; b! p0 @
  14. Video:
    % E- m) n; \- q7 j4 F

  15. 0 j! u: Z4 G8 I- G4 {) J
  16. Codec       Bitrate     Description( v: \6 H+ |$ c% e, |
  17. -----       -------     -----------/ Y" O1 m( x4 b9 N0 N, d
  18. MPEG-4 AVC Video  22109 kbps    1080p / 23.976 fps / 16:9 / High Profile 4.18 |- w4 o0 n' }

  19. 7 W, d5 Z% W- ^
  20. AUDIO:$ i9 E/ w# j! w. V

  21. 3 [. s" T/ F: B0 Q
  22. Codec         Language  Bitrate   Description; L& T# d! u% z, C' M  d* z: J
  23. -----         --------  -------   -----------2 V5 k& d( ]6 Y. \7 Y
  24. DTS-HD Master Audio     English   3337 kbps   5.1 / 48 kHz / 3337 kbps / 24-bit (DTS Core: 5.1 / 48 kHz / 1509 kbps / 24-bit)
    5 e* e. J; L+ g$ c0 o6 d  D( j
  25. Dolby Digital Audio     English   640 kbps  5.1 / 48 kHz / 640 kbps / DN -4dB
    & j; r, T# ]# \" @' g2 p& M
  26. Dolby Digital Audio     French    640 kbps  5.1 / 48 kHz / 640 kbps / DN -4dB
    6 d( a! S4 O& i3 L" A6 B
  27. Dolby Digital Audio     Spanish   640 kbps  5.1 / 48 kHz / 640 kbps / DN -4dB1 A5 P& Z: C7 D
  28. Dolby Digital Audio     Portuguese  640 kbps  5.1 / 48 kHz / 640 kbps / DN -4dB
    " v. B5 e0 l$ W2 C7 c" ]0 M2 H
  29. 9 c5 _$ G7 x5 g3 r% r5 h9 ^# [
  30. SUBTITLES:+ m* K9 j1 n0 S' o* D
  31. - B+ l7 j) i1 y$ Y4 G0 u2 W
  32. Codec         Language  Bitrate   Description
    * {) G, v% s1 F: [0 r7 N+ v. P( G
  33. -----         --------  -------   -----------/ Z* e4 I1 A, d3 P" Z2 W  _8 V0 ?
  34. Presentation Graphics   English   53.323 kbps      ) h% Z2 k; C5 b* m
  35. Presentation Graphics   French    36.011 kbps      ) E; u* p6 U2 R2 H: ^1 p. ^: B
  36. Presentation Graphics   Spanish   45.185 kbps      
    + g8 F. q7 H- }# }% `; K
  37. Presentation Graphics   Portuguese  47.029 kbps      6 ]! W0 Q* u4 v( H7 _! I% t7 S
  38. Presentation Graphics   Spanish   0.023 kbps        
    - ^7 R; r7 m( |2 [
  39. Presentation Graphics   Portuguese  0.041 kbps
The Intern Blu-ray, Video Quality   
; }) b: `5 P2 _- T
: Z1 [% h1 I5 _) |' O; J2 W- s4 ]$ O# Y; t# n* u
The Intern was shot digitally on the Arri Alexa by cinematographer Stephen Goldblatt (The Help and Get On Up). Post-production was completed on a digital intermediate, from which Warner's 1080p, AVC-encoded Blu-ray was presumably sourced by a direct digital path. Goldblatt's lighting complements Meyers' prettified world, showcasing the meticulous set design, the expressive costumes and, above all, the actors' faces to best advantage. The Blu-ray image is sharply detailed and brightly colorful, making Brooklyn look its best both indoors and out. Blacks are solid, contrast is pleasing, and the colors are richly saturated without over-emphasis. No anomalies, noise or other artifacts appeared.
. a5 I9 I& a& r# V5 k- B' W; h. _5 _* t  c1 f
The division of Warner Home Video that handles new releases seems to be lagging behind the catalog division and Warner Archive Collection, because The Intern has been mastered with a bitrate of only 22.11 Mbps, even though over 15 gigabytes of space remain unused on the BD-50. Compression issues were not evident, but obviously there are still some corners of the Warner organization where the message about maximizing bitrate has yet to penetrate.
$ F& p( A* u# h' n4 V) Y+ `) `) A
; \2 l& W' U" @The Intern Blu-ray, Audio Quality   
! e# E' G( W0 H& f- g8 s" ^/ l1 v2 P1 \& n7 \

' V' ?* W! c( C" p: ]The Intern features a low-key but effective 5.1 soundtrack, encoded on Blu-ray in lossless DTS-HD MA. The mix provides a nice sense of immersion in the headquarters of ATF, where the steady hum of activity and the sound of chiming iPhones is everywhere. Occasionally there's a loud enough moment to display the track's dynamic range (a memorable one involves Busta Rhymes "Break Ya Neck" at high volume), but otherwise the mix is restrained. Dialogue is clear throughout, and the gently reassuring score by Theodore Shapiro (Tropic Thunder) is complemented by well-chosen pop selections ranging from "Boogie Shoes" to "The Girl from Ipanema".
    " M& q4 }( l1 Y. \
  2. + K* z- Z: |1 {4 I! A" c; k/ }4 v
  3. Disc Title: The.Intern.2015.BluRaycd.1080p.AVC.DTS-HD.MA5.1-bb@HDSky 28.56 GB- \2 ?8 x* P( J; z
  4. Disc Size:  30,669,940,618 bytes
    8 x* m+ E! T9 i$ }1 J
  5. Protection: AACS; P# R" e0 b) N3 ]/ k: _
  6. BD-Java:  No7 e: x" f" }) o0 s: |
  7. BDInfo:   0.5.8/ w: j( i7 O& G8 Q: X# t% v
  8. 4 o; |( Z/ n, p, J
    ( `; G# ^) ?9 e

  10. * w( b- L/ ?+ t
  11. Name:       00100.MPLS
    6 N& r8 V" A: {
  12. Length:     2:01:31.951 ( Y2 n& e1 s+ l) Z4 J* ?
  13. Size:       27,705,833,472 bytes5 d* T$ L+ T9 w- t% I
  14. Total Bitrate:    30.40 Mbps
    ! W' R1 d; u, g- Z" e  d
  15. $ O/ Z4 P! B# A' {! e
  16. VIDEO:
    " _( E- {) U7 G; `3 c

  17. 9 a! T+ r' H: S; T
  18. Codec       Bitrate     Description; Z! A8 j, e! O$ o4 Q
  19. -----       -------     -----------
    8 |5 ^. i; W# t; W7 ?
  20. MPEG-4 AVC Video  22109 kbps    1080p / 23.976 fps / 16:9 / High Profile 4.1
    0 Q# g8 a1 m8 K! Y* `3 B) p
  21. + ^9 o) ?$ l; P. z
  22. AUDIO:
    9 m* d- A6 O! ~' ]" Y2 o; }0 j
  23. ! N) Q' B/ W; Z/ V, d# Y7 c" R
  24. Codec         Language  Bitrate   Description
    1 ?2 L" E! q' ]$ M  b
  25. -----         --------  -------   -----------
    - d4 R+ f# E0 v9 h6 @& Q  y
  26. DTS-HD Master Audio   English   3337 kbps   5.1 / 48 kHz / 3337 kbps / 24-bit (DTS Core: 5.1 / 48 kHz / 1509 kbps / 24-bit)7 V9 m9 _# o; B6 u
  27. Dolby Digital Audio     English   640 kbps  5.1 / 48 kHz / 640 kbps / DN -4dB
      c  a. ?1 ^( ]: v, f2 z( {$ T7 t
  28. Dolby Digital Audio     French    640 kbps  5.1 / 48 kHz / 640 kbps / DN -4dB8 q7 ?& t6 W1 H  M
  29. Dolby Digital Audio     Spanish   640 kbps  5.1 / 48 kHz / 640 kbps / DN -4dB
    * s* {% C$ J8 r8 [/ h0 b
  30. Dolby Digital Audio     Portuguese  640 kbps  5.1 / 48 kHz / 640 kbps / DN -4dB. _* |( ^8 l2 Y& j

  31. / |' U. w4 |; Y( a& N4 }$ |
  32. SUBTITLES:2 L4 x) ^& @7 r' O

  33. ( y# Y  O9 g7 v7 P
  34. Codec         Language  Bitrate   Description
    - R' y6 r5 {$ J" Y( Y
  35. -----         --------  -------   -----------
    0 v: U! e9 ?1 ]5 o
  36. Presentation Graphics   English   53.323 kbps7 |3 p+ j) v# y
  37. Presentation Graphics   French    36.011 kbps
    . O8 t+ W- A. F' Z
  38. Presentation Graphics   Spanish   45.185 kbps
    $ e  z7 h0 g3 _5 x) O$ @) |5 J1 Y
  39. Presentation Graphics   Portuguese  47.029 kbps
    , Z9 m3 F6 W/ \; ~" d) r
  40. Presentation Graphics   Spanish   0.023 kbps4 ~$ n- s* l9 p& \
  41. Presentation Graphics   Portuguese  0.041 kbps
    9 c0 q2 o- f# W6 y5 t: R8 g
  42. Presentation Graphics   Chinese   66.964 kbps
    & w4 f& R2 ~6 V- z/ ~$ j
  43. Presentation Graphics   Chinese   68.089 kbps
    0 A" C$ A. S7 {0 u
  44. Presentation Graphics   Chinese   135.621 kbps
    ! X  V4 x3 w6 d4 y5 q1 q
  45. Presentation Graphics   Chinese   135.320 kbps
2 ^4 Q; X9 f" u, ~0 Y) p
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578 枚
1737 点
sawas 发表于 2023-7-23 02:38:23 | 显示全部楼层
That was awesome!








180 枚
2987 点
一见哈哈笑 发表于 2023-7-23 13:24:39 | 显示全部楼层








155 枚
3712 点
xpg050811 发表于 2023-7-24 12:49:08 | 显示全部楼层
每天都来蓝光论坛看看,我爱蓝光电影。, J) n1 _+ ?; F+ }4 w" q; {4 M
Your resources, well, I am very satisfied!! y0 D6 B1 k2 ]% N' j








9 枚
1207 点
renz 发表于 2023-7-24 20:04:12 | 显示全部楼层
) V8 U) E2 l7 s2 j3 abluraycd forum, a lot of Blu-ray movies!4 {( N1 s" T* S. E



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