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[电影合集] 碟中谍 1-3部合集 [REMUX无损版] Mission Impossible Triology Pack 1080p BluRaycd REMUX AVC DTS-HD MA 5.1-aZA 90.65GB








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黄金嫖客 发表于 2023-8-29 22:56:28 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
" _, Y+ c' \8 l/ R  g
  i5 V* |* [& }  C5 h& r" X1 e5 U
◎译  名 碟中谍/职业特工队(港)/不可能的任务(台)
( \$ ?0 B1 U" T; p: F$ u◎片  名 Mission: Impossible / M:I + s3 i% x/ z, f
◎年  代 19969 T- Q$ s6 @% o
◎产  地 美国
. p. I' @5 t! W* h3 M' R, U◎类  别 动作/惊悚/冒险
. P0 k. x* w" o$ B◎语  言 英语/捷克语/乌克兰语/法语
. I! l& x0 b' E2 o" y◎上映日期 1996-05-22(美国)0 G+ A' ~8 O( C& ]' S5 f- H4 P) W/ p
◎IMDb评分  7.1/10 from 456,188 users
% M% t3 k2 s0 [. v9 H4 I◎IMDb链接 h) }" q4 t! i; d
◎豆瓣评分 8.2/10 from 270,653 users
  @) u. e; T" I# v6 G◎豆瓣链接
; [) ^4 z, ?$ }& j2 a# d◎文件格式 x264 + DTS  9 q- O+ G, `. b& u) C% H
◎视频尺寸 1920 x 1080
0 e! A& H0 @. u4 g◎文件大小 1DVD 90.65 GiB+ e6 w7 Y4 r9 f! u7 d( Q
◎片  长 1 h 50 min4 Q1 f; `; c% @# f* i9 I( Q! x
◎导  演 布莱恩·德·帕尔玛 Brian De Palma
; Y8 y3 o7 o) H◎编  剧 大卫·凯普 David Koepp
$ p( m  K' e* `9 O! y, b4 C# ?       罗伯特·汤 Robert Towne3 h$ W% S8 d5 h0 U0 x- g& _, A3 z
       斯蒂文·泽里安 Steven Zaillian, A: D% k6 G( D& Q6 e
       布鲁斯·盖勒 Bruce Geller
1 @6 Q7 Z4 e) K! T* B, }$ ~◎演  员 汤姆·克鲁斯 Tom Cruise) d( g1 Z0 G; M3 K& }
       强·沃特 Jon Voight
( y. F+ {: f$ Q, z5 R* z       艾曼纽·贝阿 Emmanuelle Béart
8 F0 i  r) B- g       亨利·科泽尼 Henry Czerny
  Q9 S, t1 j7 K3 O0 ~       让·雷诺 Jean Reno/ M2 w. Y7 l1 i. R! }" m& J! B7 P
       文·瑞姆斯 Ving Rhames( {% L/ \4 s* E! o. v
       克里斯汀·斯科特·托马斯 Kristin Scott Thomas  C" z  L! C: R
       瓦妮莎·雷德格雷夫 Vanessa Redgrave
& g# s0 X0 @; k4 A; U& A/ J" g       茵格保加·达坤耐特 Ingeborga Dapkunaite( Y) W) B4 Q- s& e. e6 x
       瓦伦蒂娜·雅库尼亚 Valentina Yakunina
) q, J, e2 R  f6 K0 u: \: N; v       马雷克·瓦苏特 Marek Vasut
1 ?: z0 q: y  g9 I- T4 J       John McLaughlin * |, _! U3 W+ w" y, n
       罗尔夫·萨克森 Rolf Saxon
' i/ d* K9 [/ m7 D4 E% ]6 p       卡雷尔·多布雷 Karel Dobrý" U* C: d" ]5 x; h
       安德雷斯·魏斯涅夫斯基 Andreas Wisniewski. w! T& \7 F( F7 Y
       Gaston Subert 6 @7 W7 e9 l0 y0 e6 ~
       里科·罗斯 Ricco Ross
) g: k9 A8 i- S: d       Bob Friend : e( {# }% A: A5 U
       安娜贝尔·穆利恩 Annabel Mullion: Q- y1 z" d/ J# H4 D$ G; w
       加里克·哈根 Garrick Hagon
1 a+ i: m/ a# G5 @       Jirina Trebická * n$ E8 K( e7 a. s6 l' _. k
       山姆·道格拉斯 Sam Douglas3 H& ], a/ F0 ~; b9 @
       奥莱加·费多罗 Olegar Fedoro
# K  _9 u- H5 R. h8 Z" j0 l       大卫·施奈德 David Schneider
6 S. X* m; U3 L5 t# _- L7 E       海伦·林赛 Helen Lindsay
3 `5 i2 L6 k: z) E       兰德尔·保罗 Randall Paul
+ R# Q6 v/ J4 j8 R# Q$ o7 _; G3 F       迈克尔·罗杰斯 Michael Rogers
+ Q% @2 A! U  G# R       劳拉·布鲁克 Laura Brook
# A, {5 ~$ ?7 D7 z       梅丽莎·纳奇布尔 Melissa Knatchbull
$ w$ ^) Z  x: A* I. P       扬·卡拉米特鲁 Ion Caramitru9 g5 H: j5 A) t
       代尔·戴 Dale Dye% `  ]. L2 k/ c$ S; Q5 E
       马塞尔·尤勒斯 Marcel Iures7 G5 N3 Z. x% b% J# z
       基思·坎贝尔 Keith Campbell4 G2 G( H7 U/ ?8 _6 R3 c) X# I/ b  E
       艾米利奥·艾斯特维兹 Emilio Estevez5 V- P7 {- F1 I. T) [: h
       哈里·弗雷德尔 Harry Fielder2 A* D$ C% K0 ]) W( P% W
       约翰·诺尔 John Knoll* \% S( B8 r5 s0 B* @2 X! u1 ~

7 Z. }7 N4 ^3 R◎标  签 动作 | 特工 | 美国电影 | 经典 | 间谍 | 1996 | 悬疑 | 动作片1 u* D3 a$ }& M: V( I' q6 {  |
# Q2 q3 p, B1 y/ Y7 w2 P
◎简  介  
/ w; c5 U0 c, h. \, S0 l0 Z* H
: l: L) U5 u2 n, l  中情局获得情报,得知他们的特工中出了一个叛徒,准备将中情局布置在东欧的特工名单出卖给外国特工组织。在特工头目吉姆(乔恩·沃伊特 Jon Voight 饰)的策划下,伊森(汤姆·克鲁斯 Tom Cruise 饰)所住的一组特工赶往了他们交易的地点。
2 ?0 F  O" x: _2 L5 i# j) m4 ~  u/ g, ?3 T
  岂料,当他们按计划赶到 时,却中了埋伏,一组人中除了伊森和吉姆的妻子克莱尔,其他队员都被杀害。这时,伊森的账户无端端多出了12万美金。伊森成了内鬼的最大的嫌疑犯。* \' j: R; V& `# z+ v; g

* G* p+ A# ]- m  无奈之下,伊森只能凭个人之力独闯龙潭虎穴去找出出卖他们的内奸。他和外国间谍组织的接头人麦克斯取得联系后,答应帮麦克斯偷出中情局的间谍名单以交换中情局内鬼的名字。
7 U4 T9 b! e" O2 {; d
: t5 A+ I0 I7 c5 p1 {) R" _6 s  An American agent, under false suspicion of disloyalty, must discover and expose the real spy without the help of his organization.6 D/ Q* ~) d- ]/ B

7 y  p  z; i4 T( N- |◎获奖情况  
" V4 I3 y6 H/ q* r3 l% G, r+ E- w3 v* f  o6 F) t& r6 g  h9 ^
; d$ `1 x% k' w  A0 h9 ]2 p. u  最佳外语片(提名)/ Y6 D5 L+ S% [

& T$ F5 _( C1 U: H
Mission.Impossible.Triology.Pack.1080p.BluRayCD.REMUX.AVC.DTS-HD.MA.5.1-aZA 90.65 GB
Mission: Impossible Blu-ray, Video Quality   
1 Q9 }  M0 H+ Q0 ]+ `
) J5 P; X+ t7 x. J" ^  u% _- y' y
Mission: Impossible comes to Blu-ray with a 1080p, MPEG-2 encoded transfer framed in its original 2.35:1 aspect ratio. The picture quality is rather uninspiring from most every angle, with only an average amount of fine detail, mediocre color reproduction, and little-to-no 3-D "pop." Much of the finer details of the film seem lacking, not necessarily scrubbed away but certainly not offering the lifelike imagery of the best high definition transfers. Still, there is a nice cinematic look to the presentation; a bit of grain is seen over the entirety of the image. Also, plenty of black and white speckles appear over the print throughout the course of the film. Colors are slightly dim and flesh tones tend towards the red side of the spectrum in some scenes, appear normal in others, and in still others appear somewhat pale. Much of the image is soft, which seems to be a culprit in the absence of the finer details. Blacks are decent, and some of the film's intentionally hazy and foggy scenes don't feature any bothersome pixelation. Mission: Impossible easily falls into the lower tier of Blu-ray releases, offering acceptable-at-best high definition imagery.- T7 {4 T5 x4 ~/ W

& \2 @# j" L2 H  qMission: Impossible Blu-ray, Audio Quality     L. x6 E) W% p9 A# F' C
  V. \0 F1 s8 t: j5 s

2 g& V: A- K- e7 bMission: Impossible fails to intrigue with its rather pedestrian Dolby Digital 5.1 soundtrack. Mission: Impossible's famed opening theme plays nicely over the credits but doesn't create a sense of a live performance; it's strong and acceptable for a lossy mix, though no doubt a lossless offering would have benefited this and other aspects of the track. Oddly enough, one of the finest moments of the soundtrack comes in chapter eight as Hunt breaks into the heavily protected computer room. The near-silence of the sequence, punctuated by the faintest of hums of the running equipment in the room, makes for a fascinating listen, a rarity in any movie to feature an extended quiet period. On the opposite end of the spectrum are a few pronounced effects, such as explosions, but most lack the power and oomph that may have elevated the track above the level of "bland." Save for a few moments of percussion-heavy music that creates a nice bit of thumping in the track and the film's climax, there is not much to become excited about. The chase atop a speeding train is easily the highlight. Sound travels effortlessly across the soundstage, generally from front to back, with a fine level of authority and realism; listeners may practically feel the chill of the rushing air is it seemingly blows past. Considering it accompanies the film's one true, extended action sequence, it's presentation, sonically, is befitting the moment. Dialogue reproduction is sufficient throughout. All in all, Mission: Impossible is mostly bland from a sonic perspective.
9 V: l1 w# J6 _8 a) H8 d$ O
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