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[4K极清电影] 越空追击/未来帝国 [4K REMUX无损版] Barb Wire 1996 2160p UHD BluRaycd REMUX HDR HEVC DTS-HD MA 5.1-GAZPROM 49.41GB








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黄金嫖客 发表于 2024-3-26 02:14:20 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
During the Second American Civil War in 2017, Barb Wire owns a nightclub called the Hammerhead. Things become complicated when her ex-lover Axel Hood, who is married to the fugitive Corrina Devonshire, re-enters her life." ~6 L) Z4 ^) v; W0 e) N

. B( K( X7 r! N' i5 q9 d8 i6 ]
; g, Q& S$ \' Z& S
. L5 k4 ]1 O2 ?9 h◎译  名 越空追击/未来帝国' h! d/ T9 ]7 z9 }3 v( C
◎片  名 Barb Wire4 g" P* T5 o3 X' t! J, a% M& j
◎年  代 1996
  n9 j9 w  P# B* ^! m2 R◎产  地 美国
) X9 S8 _4 ^5 O4 Y9 [◎类  别 动作/科幻( ]; u2 |2 Q! J/ A/ s* ~1 l) C
◎语  言 英语/法语/德语
4 r3 ^* n6 ?4 W5 A4 {2 k! I9 s◎上映日期 1996-05-03(美国)
- y. N# Q, {5 U6 Q8 u9 l0 r◎IMDb评分  3.5/10 from 31,546 users
) ^) C; C; C% [5 m4 `. E◎IMDb链接 N3 _- X  V" v- s- p6 ^
◎豆瓣评分 5.6/10 from 526 users
7 F9 Z7 [& [/ p7 }' i◎豆瓣链接$ Z2 Y' i& t! X+ \% ^
◎文件格式 x265 + DTS
/ N- u5 Q: P! _5 l◎视频尺寸 3840 x 2160
; b& X, P! j- J" c( h9 I! |◎文件大小 1DVD 49.41 GiB' A9 m9 E6 N+ j0 i
◎片  长 1 h 40 min
9 B" @% @8 c8 e8 c: P9 Q◎导  演 David Hogan
& i9 i+ g4 c: n: l+ |◎编  剧 艾琳·柴肯 Ilene Chaiken7 h  S' H+ d  X; a- s( e. Y; {7 H& D, J
       查克·费尔 Chuck Pfarrer
6 s" X* n! o  Q3 n       克里斯·华纳 Chris Warner
  Q2 L- ]4 y9 W" ~◎主  演 帕米拉·安德森 Pamela Anderson, {( M0 q3 L2 u" V! P
       阿米尔·阿布莱拉 Amir AboulEla
* b1 l5 C) T0 `$ ~       Adriana Alexander1 _, B. I. A- x1 y6 u- a% {* T
       大卫·安德里奥勒 David Andriole, b6 ^9 H1 S" t2 K) w+ z7 f8 u
       Vanessa Lee Asher. G& t1 J% Q" {8 T. H) w% ^9 r
       罗恩·巴利基 Ron Balicki
# v5 X+ a2 l; x9 H* U6 c/ S       詹妮弗·班科 Jennifer Banko( V+ U5 \9 z9 q/ U5 p& ?% l
       Candace Kita' U  H$ \! w+ X! y; h
       山德·贝克利 Xander Berkeley
- u/ p) ~5 z) G! k       托尼·比尔 Tony Bill
( r7 G% G4 y) W  y; X. Q: M& c       Alex Bookston$ k9 q& v( _: `& k- y  ?
       Gil Borgos( M2 T+ o9 H% g3 A: e
       安德雷·罗塞·布朗 Andre Rosey Brown
" J: l3 Q; `# d/ k* F       谢里·德赛 Shelly Desai  i" _" m# H/ J# L+ F
       克林特·霍华德 Clint Howard; I2 C2 Z* I$ v( S: U/ g
       戴安娜·李·伊诺桑托 Diana Lee Inosanto3 Z& U  e3 P. x6 F! a8 B
       乌多·基尔 Udo Kier
6 o: `  n! b5 r2 O+ s# c. b       Henry Kingi# r$ h0 x6 Q6 [/ ?* L
       汤米·利斯特 Tom Lister Jr.2 e  u& X  V$ f% f, v, \( A* N
       马绍尔·曼尼什 Marshall Manesh+ k) ?) Y: d9 w/ m( M# Y
       特穆拉·莫里森 Temuera Morrison+ b; I3 O# S  D
       杰克·诺斯沃迪 Jack Noseworthy& ~$ j6 H3 S" g) X5 v/ u8 B. g4 \
       史蒂夫·雷尔斯巴克 Steve Railsback* M8 V. [9 F% }& V. E* X
       维多利亚·洛威尔 Victoria Rowell
. ~/ G0 s2 o7 G) U+ G/ V* h, w       Michael Russo( b# I! C4 {! M- |3 B3 A7 d
       乔伊·萨加尔 Joey Sagal
% M! T3 O4 O* M( P# N' v       卢·西蒙 Lou Simon
3 W/ B1 h8 k2 S7 A: ?       罗伯特·斯莫特 Teo6 y3 f6 x: V3 L8 Z
       多米尼克·范登博格 Dominiquie Vandenberg
% e. s6 n9 y9 g+ W1 c0 g$ L8 E0 ~       爱万 Ai Wan
" v; Q, X4 `/ `. }       Nicholas Worth
  a3 t9 u& l+ `2 A$ C9 f       萨尔瓦托雷·哈雷布 Salvator Xuereb
! G7 t* n0 N( n# ?) a" I! H       安尼特·卡尔普 Annett Culp- m" G; N7 `6 T, i3 h4 X7 d- e
       莎拉·克拉斯娜 Sarah Krasner
4 L6 q7 }# v! ~: N2 l       Darin Mangan* D8 c2 i9 }" `
       Arthur Tipp9 y/ ?- n9 F% c- W, l& J
( U" @1 c# E& `. Q* n
◎简  介   " q3 @) n. U# W5 {
8 y- c4 F0 H' ]* M
# t. l) T' a/ z) P+ _4 G# l! w6 z/ V
  There's a joint in Steel Harbor. It's called the Hammerhead Bar and Grille. The place is legendary. So is its owner. Her name is Barb Wire. She's razor sharp. She's tough as nails. She won't take shit and she won't take sides. She lives in the not-too-distant future where biology is used to kill, not cure, in a country devastated by Civil War. Every man wants her. No man can have her. She's a woman with high standards in a world of lowest common denominators. She's not about to waste her time with a man unless he has a really big one and knows how to use it--a brain, that is. It's been a long time since Barb's been on anybody's side other than her own. But when she wants to, she can more than match any man. There's nothing she can't handle. You can blast her and beat her, slash her and shoot her, drag her and diss her. But, whatever you do, just don't call her "babe..."
* O6 z6 w3 {! {* b( Q$ O0 e
  1. Barb.Wire.1996.2160p.UHD.BluRayCD.REMUX.HDR.HEVC.DTS-HD.MA.5.1-GAZPROM
    6 d/ C; N; \8 B' X/ `1 f0 `: y: @

  2. / J' v6 }* g& f( a4 m$ N8 B) V# a+ Q
  3. Video .......> 3840x2160 untouched @ 58,4 mbs; k; E( v* a1 q
  4. language ....> english& R0 \5 P) y5 C; M" l9 J9 W
  5. audio .......> dts-hd 5.1 | dts-hd 2.0- q1 M& R9 Y4 a
  6. subs ........> english, german( B' u' L3 |9 `# \
  7. * t9 s* p, t; B/ m* }9 U
  8. imdb ........>
    $ E1 F. E- r& I; p' m
  9. runtime .....> 1h 40m
    0 }( E, v! z( U1 e
  10. genre .......> action/sci-fi
    ! r$ v6 @+ T& F2 g! D% M0 p4 \
  11. hdr format ..> dolby vision, version 1.0, dvhe.07.06, bl+el+rpu
    ) q" c  |1 d8 B* Z
  12. blu-ray compatible / smpte st 2086, hdr10 compatible
4 T. @9 ]* X" j- ~# F
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fangfang789 发表于 2024-4-5 11:56:00 | 显示全部楼层
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- \! S. a! g. R



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