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[动漫动画] 卑鄙的我2/神偷奶爸2/坏蛋奖门人2 Despicable Me 2010 BluRaycd 720p DTS x264-MgB 3.75GB








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黄金嫖客 发表于 2013-10-21 20:53:53 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
1 i% l. t! T# |5 T5 I& L
◎译  名 卑鄙的我2/神偷奶爸2/坏蛋奖门人2(港)  K& G( `) c3 ~- I/ L7 A, {! n9 a2 |
◎片  名    Despicable Me 29 z- ]) K3 _2 c3 z
◎年  代 2013: w% T$ Q+ `1 \
◎国  家 美国. c8 V# u3 W3 _% V+ u8 n! G
◎类  别 动画/喜剧/犯罪/家庭" n9 J1 n3 p$ I$ Y( x& C
◎语  言 英语, b! U% E7 k8 ?+ q- X7 `
◎字  幕 简体中文# J5 P' k% w/ j8 P
◎IMDB评分 7.8/10 from 38,669 users 4 B2 Y$ W6 x0 G" p
◎IMDB链接 & S8 n9 p' K+ ^7 f/ M% J. W4 W
◎文件格式 X264+ DTS7 l% W7 q/ t( Q. L7 `1 ~0 d
◎视频尺寸 1280 x 694. V6 |3 ?/ l! w- }  \8 z
◎文件大小 1CD 3.75 GB) n/ g7 I+ q& n! c9 O9 x/ l3 l
◎片  长 1 hour 34 mins 48 Secs+ u* S4 T% m$ O# }2 W& D. U
◎导  演 皮艾尔·柯芬 Pierre Coffin
3 r% j% @, j7 L, L& N" a1 M       克里斯·雷纳德 Chris Renaud( p# l6 g7 |0 c
◎主  演 史蒂夫·卡瑞尔 Steve Carell  ....Gru (voice)/ L, u7 A/ Z( J) S: V" [
       克里斯汀·韦格 Kristen Wiig  ....Lucy (voice)% A0 W! H' w5 f! e. ?4 N8 W5 T
       米兰达·卡斯格拉夫 Miranda Cosgrove  ....Margo (voice)% P. I) G  r' B1 p' Q
       史蒂夫·库根 Steve Coogan  ....(voice)- r4 d6 \: M) Z' s3 Z
       拉塞尔·布兰德 Russell Brand  ....Dr. Nefario (voice)" ~0 u- ^1 a! z0 `! a5 W& X
       Moises Arias  ....Antonio (voice)
3 ?# Q7 `2 Y/ Z6 y/ [. ]% p- g       埃尔希·费舍 Elsie Fisher  ....Agnes (voice) (as Elsie Fisher)
% H$ v0 P+ {7 E       达娜·盖伊 Dana Gaier  ....Edith (voice)
5 A) m0 @1 f) s2 c$ \       Bailey Gambertoglio  ....Little Girl 2 (voice)
! `1 d, B9 F) y6 `; J& N! t7 d       Georgia Bell  ....Birthday Party Girl (voice)  K& b' F7 E9 [3 J2 w) M8 J9 F
       Andre Robinson  ....Looping4 j2 t9 a. ?1 M) m' E
       肯·郑 Ken Jeong  ....Floyd (voice)
, ~, _! U, Z, @& M4 |       本杰明·布拉特 Benjamin Bratt  ....Eduardo (voice)
) ~* l0 l; a8 H# [) ^" q" X( y2 h       Jan Rabson
7 N, F- d' M; ]- W- f/ z       April Winchell
0 I  J  A* C, o* i* o1 B◎简  介 
! j' B) o/ t1 w) T
8 a: K# V  D8 F, R       Gru is recruited by the Anti-Villain League to help deal with a powerful new super criminal.
! c, b5 H/ i$ I+ P, g: O+ }9 ^/ C. g
3 g; _9 C; \* }# Y       故事接续《神偷奶爸》之后,坏蛋神偷格鲁为了照顾三位口爱到不行的女儿们-妮妮、娜娜与娣娣,在地下实验室开设工厂改卖果酱和果冻,决定金盆洗手甘心在家当好奶爸。没想到以纪毕谷为首领,专门对抗全球犯罪的高机密组织,却找上门来,格鲁只好重返原本的世界,率领众名小小兵,伙同一天到晚惹他生气的菜鸟新搭档露西,携手调查一连串超级罪案。
1 \  A4 o5 i7 h9 X4 i/ D
  N7 b  G! H) U* y* c* q只是在格鲁倾力揪出新一代犯罪天王的同时,女儿安安强烈感觉到,这个非比寻常的家庭需要一个妈妈、而觉得格鲁超酷的蒂蒂,也因爸爸结束坏蛋之路而大失所望,此外,开始注意同龄男生的毛毛,则让格鲁如临大敌……此次除了发生疑似外星人诱拐事件,小小兵也将遇到天大麻烦,已经升格为奶爸的格鲁,该如何拯救化解危机?5 O. s, k+ _: x- ~# c* e
6 a" m7 Q5 u& g# R( n
4 H+ `; Z. a( l" T0 U$ I6 q+ h$ c* F
# v) o; w& M& m7 |/ u
- ?# O: |# C  ~% u% o  
: x: K+ j& L- [# Q& s/ t( C0 F  ——《Movie Nation》   
0 S, w( d1 |( Z5 K: l2 u) Z+ B6 \5 T1 V# H/ A  o! C
正如其前作一样,高超的肢体喜剧让这部动画影片超越了它的大多数竞争对手。   ) }, l7 d5 R; b) C

3 e4 u% p! U2 X% i2 z. w  ——《纽约邮报》   
" P  V' w7 W8 [+ _
( `7 C7 F/ x6 h. O4 V- H; `; B《神偷奶爸2》为父母与孩子们之间的粘合提供了一次良好机会,它有足够多的美味元素来满足这两代人。
; l" z: q; X4 t4 Z" m+ x. b   
4 F+ x  S/ e" B3 H2 Z# |+ G) w  ——《ReelViews》   
3 [" ?! y6 I: D- y- [4 c
8 Z4 h% O  B5 h- G你会希望本片在视觉效果上所下的功夫能有一部分转移到故事讲述上。遗憾的是《神偷奶爸2》缺乏情感和深度,即使小黄人们也不足以弥补这一点。   
) b* P, H3 g- U  I% _; g
: i! J' G) s# Y8 x5 e6 w  ——《The Playlist》   + a7 z4 Q; W% z- O0 ~* J0 [8 `& S

" \" `# p, ]& r影片中间在不必要的爱情故事的设置上显得犹豫不决,但格鲁依然魅力十足,并且孩子们会非常喜欢小黄人的   9 D. y6 e- V: |/ A, g& R) ^: `

& _8 @! q% g5 |  t5 `* X  q  ——《帝国》   
/ z% J- R4 ~, w! @0 w" a& x# B# L, {  C
& |! [. c( K, t+ e1 I5 X0 m$ p& Y" z( `3 h% m2 r, \
: B+ W/ ]+ _% B/ i: ~# K" i' |3 j# T
In a happy
  F- ~, Z/ b* Q& ~- Z7 m" Vsuburban neighborhood surrounded by white picket fences with flowering( G6 `" |1 V9 |  L. w) O1 I
rose bushes, sits a black house with a dead lawn. Unbeknownst to the neighbors,
/ M0 j+ p. e  M8 w& h/ jhidden beneath this home is a vast secret hideout. Surrounded by a small army' U: r5 O; ]+ x% X8 O+ N
of minions, we discover Gru, planning the biggest heist in the history of0 v- ?3 e  q( ^' T3 a
the world. He is going to steal the moon. (Yes, the moon!) Gru delights# x  S) [1 o" X" k( s/ A" k
in all things wicked. Armed with his arsenal of shrink rays, freeze rays,
' w5 V! q) W+ p4 g2 O" mand battle-ready vehicles for land and air, he vanquishes all who stand in his3 B! W* y/ V; b
way. Until the day he encounters the immense will of three little orphaned
! g; m; X7 X* L- P! c: [( kgirls who look at him and see something that no one else has ever seen: a
0 L$ s! r6 L  u) R" K) xpotential Dad. The world's greatest villain has just met his greatest% j2 U) W( }+ R( V. i# W" K
challenge: three little girls named Margo, Edith and Agnes.6 A) @; K$ T- v6 x$ S/ x
  r; ^$ c. D' g" l, f& j# C2 M0 }) D
Steve Carell .... Gru (voice)
$ I( W: P* j  o% S8 w9 |, f6 R9 ^Jason Segel .... Vector (voice)5 J5 R  B3 {" x. _* |0 W
Russell Brand .... Dr. Nefario (voice)! H. u- H0 W' q! G( T* F
Julie Andrews .... Gru's Mom (voice)
1 ]! \- C$ |' W% _Will Arnett .... Mr. Perkins (voice)
3 |8 T- W. K9 o5 }7 Z8 b! T3 dKristen Wiig .... Miss Hattie (voice)
5 V; Y( q! X6 p( x* R6 E4 d; |Miranda Cosgrove .... Margo (voice)
. Q7 x" h% i& I0 x: Y9 `- s- vDana Gaier ....  Edith (voice)
8 T0 @/ P* X: {Elsie Fisher .... Agnes (voice)$ w# c) W) H6 Z8 D$ Y1 E
; E8 v9 z7 X+ `
*Encoded/Released By.........: MgB) m& A7 f; B$ \; g' x1 _, u
*Title/Year..................: Despicable Me / 2010
) {7 w  H+ e* o4 C  r9 b*Subtitles(External).........: English,Arabic,Portuguese,Bulgarian.
# Z- B$ U+ j' }% i*Subtitles(External).........: Chinese,Croatian,Czech,Danish# d, Q- T: c+ U
*Subtitles(External).........: Dutch,Estonian,French,Greek.
$ P5 ?" w8 g' t/ D2 y8 O6 D/ X*Subtitles(External).........: Hebrew,Hungarian,Indonasian,Persian.
; v, }* ]- f/ e) m*Subtitles(External).........: Norwegian,Polish,Portuguese,Romanian.5 {& w+ o, y  C  G
*Subtitles(External).........: Serbian,Slovanian,Spanish,Swedish.
5 G0 i" U' s2 w8 v( H*Subtitles(External).........: Thai,Turkish,Vietnamese.# Z  ^2 o% H6 V7 h$ V1 O+ c
*Container...................: Matroska (Mkv)2 r' ~3 N+ r2 s# i/ u; `
*Duration....................: 1 hour 34 mins 48 Secs
3 m  G  p, B$ D. S! F9 `& \6 F7 G*Bit rate....................: 4035 Kbps7 |" z9 n6 a8 w+ z% ?1 z
*File Size...................: 3.67 GB (3.60 without subtitles)
8 X% m8 ~* u1 t*Encoded/Profile/Level.......: 2 pass/High/Level 4.1
3 g! ~* Q+ U9 |$ v# p: j) e) h*Type/Codec/Writing Library..: MPEG-4 AVC/H264/x264
0 @6 j+ D1 I! [$ M& l$ f# d' t*Audio/Bit Rate /Language....: DTS Core 5.1 / 1509 Kbps / English: T" r# N5 G' X0 ?6 H; o& q$ C
*Resolution=Width/Height.....: 1280x694 pixels$ s& M% V" o- K; G
*Frame Rate..................: 23.976 fps7 f. h5 W: @, Z. `- N# m
*Channel(s)/Sampling Rate....: 6 channels / 48.0 KHz8 G- e' f0 U* x  r' r1 ]
*Channel Positions...........: Front: L C R, Side: L R, LFE
/ d  g) Q8 A/ T) l/ v*Genre.......................: Animation | Comedy | Crime3 P+ ^" l5 e! I1 m' S) ^. L: A
*Source......................: 1080p Blu-Ray CEE MPEG-4 AVC DTS-HD MA 5 1 ...Thanks!!/ a/ @! e+ v3 N, r7 A8 g$ ]
*Sample......................: Yes
7 r2 g& Y1 |- w9 G( b*Chapters....................: Yes (Named): ^8 Z# ?8 B! ]9 H6 a0 y
*IMDB........................: r# m; h( u+ v
*Note........................: Make sure is a Real MgB Release !!!

; ?# Y7 D7 O" x- ]* a' O

相关影片搜索: 《 卑鄙的我2 》Related Movies


6 B9 [4 E4 R1 u8 B* v
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