3 X$ S: T* _. L0 D
6 N& V3 u8 }! n/ z) c◎译 名 银翼杀手/公元2020/叛狱追杀令
8 ?4 U# P. J [/ t5 D; q/ o◎片 名 Blade Runner" |0 L5 w- |8 T. n i1 O
◎年 代 1982/ h- O2 \! r6 p# I# q0 s
◎国 家 美国/中国香港8 V7 h5 e6 \3 T+ @: k
◎类 别 剧情/科幻/惊悚
' Z* z5 C! V% F2 M/ [7 [1 E6 x◎语 言 英语
. _' M5 O* M6 ~◎字 幕 N/A7 I, \/ `# P6 d. U" B
◎IMDB评分 8.3/10 from 328,592 users Top 250 #122 7 @% L4 F3 R" ~+ c! A
◎IMDB链接 https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0083658
4 _/ b5 M: I8 p+ B: ^5 Z+ y◎文件格式 X264 + DTS
7 r: l2 E, t4 m/ D4 a D◎视频尺寸 1920 x 1080
$ p: P1 v, p1 Z; I◎文件大小 1CD 18.89 GB- w( G5 `- w9 w1 @8 e3 T1 l x
◎片 长 117 Mins
, P( ]+ L, y# r4 g/ q; ]$ @◎导 演 雷德利·斯科特 Ridley Scott& k1 G# L6 d" | I
◎主 演 哈里森·福特 Harrison Ford ....Rick Deckard
# P9 H/ u; H0 V+ ]4 k# A 肖恩·杨 Sean Young ....Rachael9 r* r% Q$ y1 A7 x z) Q% b( X. j
鲁特格尔·哈尔 Rutger Hauer ....Roy Batty
! ^$ A" w; a4 N6 ?' I: V 达丽尔·汉纳 Daryl Hannah ....Pris1 n" `0 t0 e* e$ j2 b7 D! x" Z
爱德华·詹姆斯·奥莫斯 Edward James Olmos ....Gaff7 \: {7 Z) c% S. z
布里翁·詹姆斯 Brion James ....Leon Kowalski1 P$ c* d% I9 }0 Q; J
詹姆斯·洪 James Hong ....Hannibal Chew9 O7 s+ U/ ?/ E/ T- h( U" C O
M. Emmet Walsh ....Bryant
) s3 D# w4 r; t7 ? `% \ William Sanderson ....J.F. Sebastian
4 @! a, x! f! y* N7 ? P Joe Turkel ....Eldon Tyrell0 x- t k8 V: q' N5 \
乔安娜·卡西迪 Joanna Cassidy ....Zhora3 f! M" u% z- I) I4 F0 u: I9 q
Morgan Paull ....Holden
+ \" p# L3 y0 ]8 c% a' P Kevin Thompson ....Bear
8 r8 R$ v- b* W( ]" ?0 ] John Edward Allen ....Kaiser
* o( _* \( e/ m/ E- y( F( x Hy Pyke ....Taffey Lewis" k- j4 |/ u. C
Kimiko Hiroshige ....Cambodian lady
4 H7 z+ t* M& i5 M Bob Okazaki ....Howie Lee/ P# g' N7 X. M3 l
Carolyn DeMirjian ....Saleslady! ]- v3 ^2 {) `+ K, e q; X, C
Judith Burnett ....Ming-Fa (uncredited)$ W! Y4 J4 J/ `: e- V9 d& a) ]
Leo Gorcey Jr. ....Louie (the bartender) (uncredited)
. a+ d: O6 c) S Sharon Hesky ....Bar patron (uncredited)4 T6 K9 j8 a3 K2 H% h4 M, D5 Y
Kelly Hine ....Showgirl (uncredited)
+ g/ `0 O% l1 ~ Tom Hutchinson ....Bartender (uncredited)
4 z' b h$ {% w$ o2 Q7 S) g) L Charles Knapp ....Bartender (uncredited)" ^/ Y6 X8 M8 i$ t7 J6 J) X
Rose Mascari ....Bar patron (uncredited)
3 y+ A' ?9 G6 b" m w6 _ 冈崎二朗 Jiro Okazaki ....Policeman (uncredited)2 l/ X, O3 ]2 |' \4 @3 l) u
Steve Pope ....Policeman (uncredited)% J5 j; N2 B& N) Q+ [
Robert Reiter ....Policeman (uncredited)
" \" j7 G0 b5 W3 B9 p# S$ {# I6 e Alexis Rhee ....Geisha #1 (uncredited)
& {5 R+ V! ?+ S1 h. ? Ben Astar ....Abdul Ben Hassan (uncredited)
7 n- O1 ?$ M7 C! O8 U◎简 介
, s8 ?3 F' t6 w5 b: ?$ p4 z& t" Y' W+ Z# @- f
Visually spectacular, action-packed and enduringly provocative since its original 1982 release, the stylish noir thriller Blade Runner stars Harrison Ford in the enigmatic role of 21st-century detective Rick Deckard. As he hunts for vengeful, fugitive replicants in a high-tech future soured by urban and social decay, he is drawn to a mysterious woman whose secrets may undermine his own soul.) w1 z# ~' v5 k( L4 z B+ e. {
* K+ @- v5 A. o
6 s8 I! \* q# i0 J8 C" k( O5 Q! Z9 a4 w2 U" Q
本片以2019年的洛杉矶为故事背景,描写一群与人类具有完全相同智能和感觉的复制人,冒险骑劫太空船回到地球,想在其机械能量即将耗尽之前寻求长存的方法。洛杉矶银翼杀手警察派遣精英戴克追踪消灭这些复制人,不料戴克却在行动时碰见美如天仙的女复制人,并且跟她坠入情网。 & n1 k1 _8 h+ [2 Y1 V
- b: e; m% d: \% e
( ]9 y$ B+ A9 N6 z! V" ?9 V" [: j9 |
Rick Deckard(Harrison Ford 饰)就是银翼杀手之一,某天,他奉命追踪潜入泰勒公司的复制人Roy Batty(Rutger Hauer 饰)、Zhora(Joanna Cassidy 饰)、Leon(Brion James 饰)和Pris(Daryl Hannah 饰),和他搭档的是泰勒公司的连锁六号复制人Rachael(Sean Young 饰)在追踪的过程中,他和瑞秋产生了感情,明白了复制人们为了延长自身的机器寿命而做出的努力,渐渐地开始反思人类的命运。
3 i" D2 ?9 x/ M9 N! S0 o2 `* \
7 k m: ?9 x0 vIn a cyberpunk vision of the future, man has developed the technology to create replicants, human clones used to serve in the colonies outside Earth but with fixed lifespans. In Los Angeles, 2019, Deckard is a Blade Runner, a cop who specializes in terminating replicants. Originally in retirement, he is forced to re-enter the force when four replicants escape from an off-world colony to Earth.& I4 m4 H4 o3 v0 P2 d, `4 D$ l9 j$ e
: A4 i. E4 Q* X& D5 O
The 1982 American theatrical version released by the studio included a "happy ending" (using leftover aerial footage from Stanley Kubrick's The Shining) and voiceovers added. Although several different versions of the script had included a narration of some sort, Harrison Ford and Ridley Scott decided to add scenes to provide the information; but financiers rewrote and reinserted narration during post-production after test audience members indicated difficulty understanding the film. It has been suggested that Ford intentionally performed the voice-over poorly, in the hope it would not be used, but in a 2002 interview with Playboy magazine, Ford clarified: "I delivered it to the best of my ability, given that I had no input. I never thought they'd use it. But I didn't try and sandbag it. It was simply bad narration." Ford also stated in 1999: "I contested it mightily at the time. It was not an organic part of the film.
4 k" C+ u, ]8 A
3 D0 q0 U) V9 h3 [一句话评论
$ b* @- ]) j# a3 X8 C- K0 b& X t& ?( S- B& P" W
$ s& ]* G9 \& h' u! j——BBC ; `; }. `' p5 i; P7 y: V: I% W6 ~
- v/ W; S8 s _) p9 w7 a7 Z这部带寓言色彩的影片用自己的方式创造出一个全新的世界。 1 ~: K0 J# H* X1 O8 a6 T6 h3 Y
——芝加哥太阳时报 # A t0 g7 G6 T4 x" {9 R0 B7 k$ o v
}9 V# g1 k O4 I/ T7 s4 m影片融合了40年代黑色电影和未来派风格的侦破恐怖元素。
3 \& @ l5 K2 M8 A——BBC电影评论 0 k; l o) A3 j: j+ H3 D* y, _
7 q. b2 _) c- y( F, \; n
. v' L b: p! R2 u7 ]' d5 g0 C: |: ]+ J! d
科幻片的经典之作 / _3 K9 h3 Y) ^9 C) j1 M
/ b$ s# Z3 D8 J6 f6 c3 s 1982年,一部名为《银翼杀手》的影片在美国上映,但因为其阴暗压抑的影像风格和缓慢凝重的节奏而掌声寥寥,刚经历了几部娱乐巨作强烈视听冲击的观众很难对这样一部灰色晦涩的影片产生兴趣,评论界也恶评如潮,甚至因《星球大战》和《夺宝奇兵》而如日中天的哈里森·福特自己也承认片中没有任何发挥的空间……但现在,这一切都成为了过去。这部被众多影迷和科幻迷认为最被忽略的老片终于在时间的流逝中发出了光芒。2004年,由英国《卫报》发起、由60位顶尖科学家参与投票的电影史上最佳科幻片的评选中,雷德利·斯科特的这部1982年的经典作品《银翼杀手》以最高票数当选影史第一。
3 c0 P3 m8 r; R2 p& O& U+ e; k& ~8 \+ X
这部后现代的经典之作是雷德里·斯科特继1979年的《异形》之后贡献给科幻片的第二部里程碑式作品,其意义远大于2002年他获奥斯卡奖的《角斗士》,在科幻百片名单上排名仅次于《2001》,不但有大量影迷,更有不少研究它的专著问世。该片虽然情节简单,内涵密度却极高,讲述了科学、伦理、生命、本能、爱与恨、生与死的诸多问题,还涉及到了灵魂,即永恒,以及生命的最终归宿和身份的自我认同,这种对人和人价值思辩的科幻哲学探索理念影响了之后的如《终结者》、《骇客帝国》等众多科幻巨制的影片。片中阴暗的天空、潮湿的街道与大屏幕中日本歌伎单调的吟唱映衬出潜伏于人们心中的躁动与不安,“银翼杀手”戴克(Deckard)的阴郁和不苟言笑,人们的冷漠麻木与主人公对追杀对象的爱形成强烈反差,这一切无不透露出人们心中隐藏于的对于未来的恐惧,对造物者的质疑以及对于自己身份认知的不确定感。当戴克尽忠职守地必须不择手段结束这些比他这个能力高超的人上人还更厉害的复制人时, 导演的镜头并不是像先前动作片一般转向胜利者,而是久久地凝视复制人痛苦的哀嚎与死亡后的破碎身体。在追杀复制人卓拉( Zhora)的那个长镜头里,穿着透明雨衣的卓拉一路奔逃在服装店中,当她中枪倒下时,雨衣飘了起来,仿佛天使的翅膀;在与复制人帕丽斯(Pris)的打斗中,她不慎中枪躺在地板上像中风病人一样疯狂地抽搐,一边歇斯底里地叫喊,看来她是如此充满生命的精力,如此不甘心死亡;而完美的复制人洛伊则暗示《圣经》对耶稣的描写:一个完美的人被创造出来替人性受难,最后为拯救人性钉身十字架。洛伊从钢筋中拔出长钉刺入自己手心以阻制生命衰退带来的痛苦,但他正是用这只刺钉的手将德克拯救,然后含泪说完那段哀婉的独白,才头颅低垂,尊严地死去。“我见过你们人类无法想象的事情,在烈火中攻击船只,我看过海中电波在黑暗里喋喋不休,那些时刻将在时光的洪流中消失,就像雨中的泪水。”这段仿如哈姆雷特对生死追问,恐怕是科幻电影有史以来最具悲剧力量的独白。
; Q+ f) u, P( [* u
" |# A: l6 D+ O4 [6 ^ 英国干细胞研究专家斯蒂芬·明格尔(Stephen Minger)说,《银翼杀手》是他看过的最好的电影:“整部影片的概念远远地超越了它所处的时代,而故事的命题--我们到底是谁?来自何处?——又是如此亘古而永恒。”小说原著作者菲力普·K·迪克(Philip k. Dick)也曾这样说过:“在我看来,这个故事的主题是戴克在追捕人造人的过程中越来越丧失人性,而与此同时,人造人却逐渐显露出更加人性的一面。最后,戴克必须扪心自问:我在做什么?我和他们之间的不同本质到底是什么?如果没有不同,那么我到底是谁?”
) Z$ Z' J5 \# ?" S! z6 |
& {* y3 E+ S$ T5 N超前的未来景观与建筑影响
* v# e& I7 Q3 X+ U2 B% }! L3 v8 P& k1 m9 `9 }5 r
斯科特对画面惊人的敏感成为其后作品的风格,他将《异形》的设计思路搬到洛杉矶,创造出一个乌烟瘴气、永远灯火阑珊的未来世界,被后现代理论称为“奇观社会”的“真正的沙漠”。片中2019年的洛杉矶实际上是一个由广告牌上的日本女郎、黄皮肤的街上行人、奎师那知觉派信徒以及中文字符等“东方元素”构成的亚洲城市。片中永远都是湿漉漉的阴雨绵绵、堡垒式的巨大建筑、冰冷的机械设备,满地垃圾的街头风景。男主人公穿着风雨衣在强烈的灯光、无边的迷雾和巨大的暗影间孤独行走于弃楼丛中,神秘女主角高高的垫肩则显出古典而夸张的“人”的尊严,又永远笼罩在香烟的谜雾和百叶窗的阴影里。这种挤满物质质感与密度的未来景观预告了“电脑朋克(Cyberpunk)”这一前卫科幻类型的诞生,使威廉·吉布森几乎放弃他的电脑朋克的开山经典《新罗曼史》(Neuromancer)的创作,因为二者对未来的设想如出一辙。 y/ E# a7 G' s$ |" r% L, {- I2 J
* a& S1 ]+ d. H
《银翼杀手》对未来的设想极为细节丰富,精致的特效制作几乎没有任何破绽,中东西合璧的布景营造出视觉奇观。影片中前卫的理念与精巧的特效设计模式对电影工艺的发展乃至真实人类世界的工艺风格都产生着巨大的影响力。片中Tyrell公司的大楼结合了古埃及、玛雅、阿兹台克人的金字塔建筑风格,外壁刻有被酸雨腐食的金属图案,高达800层,金碧辉煌,无比宏伟;实际上是个2英尺半高的模型,底座8平方英尺,顶部2平方英尺,比例尺大约1:1000,内部装有塑料光管。而片中出现高达3000英尺的摩天大厦具有一种丑陋的未来实用主义的美。这些大胆而具有想像力的城市景观塑造可谓是前所未有的突破,那些奇思妙想的创意甚至极大的影响到了20世纪末的建筑风格。 ; W% Z: K7 y# E) W
7 g0 [2 N" A) [4 N2 I
菲力普·K·迪克其人 ( Z4 n K2 H! Y& i5 @/ P" N
3 ]$ s7 _4 z4 z0 Z+ g8 m _0 _" J 菲力普·K·迪克被誉为世界上最伟大的科幻小说作家之一,终身用科幻探讨什么是真实、我们何以为人这样的大问题,声称身为科幻作家却对科学一无所知,没有令人尊敬的专家头衔,只能跻身于低级的街头读物写手之列。今天迪克在西方已被尊为深刻洞察人性、观照未来的先知,《滚石》杂志宣称:“迪克的科幻思想在任何一个星球上都是最为杰出的。”科幻小说的最高奖项之一的“迪克奖”即是以菲力普·K·迪克的名字命名的。迪克的生平代表了大多数科幻作家现世的命运,从15岁起他就一面做着唱片店的店员一面用余暇时间写作,身后固然无限风光,但在有生之年,无数的精彩之作却常以仅仅25美金一篇的价格批发贱卖。迪克说:“我是职业科幻小说家。我与幻想为伍,我的人生就是一个奇思异想。”对于在“奇思异想”中度过的一生他自己倒是从没有更多的抱怨。
' X8 b, d j+ l3 r! S5 ^# Y I" ?6 E5 Z8 v, {
《银翼杀手》根据菲力普·K·迪克1968年的小说《机器人梦想电子羊?》(Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep?1968)改编,讲的是核战后的地球只剩下少数人,在这些人当中,拥有幸免于难的动物成了身份的标志。利克只有一只电子羊, 他梦想着拥有一只真正的羊。这时,外星移民地的几个机器人逃回地球,杀死他们成了利克实现梦想的唯一机会。小说原著中更有许多深刻微妙之处电影无法传达。
* m s" U1 j% V- j7 r0 A+ h' m2 U. O5 ~) O* W( V
1963年,迪克出版了《高城中的人》(The Man in the High Castle)这是他最有影响的长篇科幻作品,获得了当年的雨果奖。这部作品描写的一个虚实颠倒的世界。在这个世界中,美国成了第二次世界大战的战败国,被德日两国分别占领,然而这个世界上却流传着一本名为《母蝗横卧》的书,书中描写了第二次世界大战以包括美国在内的同盟国的胜利而告终。《高城中的人》可以说降迪克的揭示现实虚伪性的主题开掘到了极致。
9 ]. d3 |+ J8 E* B5 p# \2 c+ z1 a
& l! ?* l: f' Z X 除了《银翼杀手》,根据菲力普·K·迪克小说改编而成的电影还有《全面回忆》、《第二选择》、《冒名顶替》乃至前两年由斯皮尔伯格导演、阿汤哥主演的《少数派报告》。; @! w1 j8 H/ n1 y
3 A* L6 ]- q L& S, c3 C: u$ S, p 0 c; H; x5 k/ h- s; e
0 U* A" a }, D9 n0 C6 I% I# f/ g1 f' }
Blade Runner has found its way to the Blu-ray format in pristine 1080P transferred from a newly minted 4K master. It's clear that a huge effort was made in cleaning up the film as the source looks as though it was created recently as opposed to twenty-five years ago. The complex optical composites of the film have also been given a major scrubbing and none of the matte lines and optical cut outs that were so prevalent in previous versions are present here. It is worth noting that the new "Final" cut of the film is easily the best in terms of picture quality with each successively older version looking slightly more aged and worse for wear. Ridley Scott's "Workprint" of the film on disc 5 is easily the worst in terms of picture quality, but it stands to reason that there were limited sources to produce this transfer, so we are probably seeing it in the best quality physically possible. I'll focus on the "Final" version for the duration of this section. Colors are spot on with vibrant neon hues leaping from the screen. The many aerial shots that take place over a crudded up Los Angeles are spectacular in their dirty, grimy design. Even some of the older optical shots of models look surprisingly more realistic on this new transfer. Black levels and shadow detail are, thankfully, rock solid and intricate. For a film as dark as Blade Runner, anything less would have been a crime. Ultimately, Blade Runner on Blu-ray looks amazing and is, most likely, the best the film is ever going to look. Like their stunning new Blu-ray version of 2001, Warner has really delivered top notch quality with their release of Blade Runner.( `0 q h r, P0 W$ T/ N2 g
( B0 n. C J" L( k4 p, E5 Q1 }
# n1 H( z# ~6 v
4 ^& u2 k# M" i+ W8 I/ Y$ V
In keeping with the high Video standards employed on this Blu-ray release, Warner has opted to include a full 5.1 Dolby TrueHD track on this release of Blade Runner. Quite frankly, I've never heard Blade Runner sound quite this remarkable. The film has always been well ahead of its time in sound design, but the Blu-ray production team has really gone above and beyond. Directional effects are scattered throughout the film and there is a wonderful sense of realism and ambience to the many crowded street scenes. Dialogue is crisp and always intelligible and never recedes into breaking up, even in the most quietly whispered scenes. Vangelis' amazing score is crystal clear as well and this TrueHD presentation reveals even more layers of synthesized bass and atmosphere in this revolutionary soundtrack. Like the video, each successive step backwards in the film's version will reveal a little less in the soundtrack department. After the "Final" cut in TrueHD, the remaining versions are presented in standard Dolby Digital with the "Workprint" being in Dolby 2.0 stereo. Clearly the "Final" version is the standout of the set and is sure to give your home theater a nice workout.& P. c: K. f. n: ?( Z2 k
& S4 ]0 t. ^+ `* I/ v
- Blade.Runner.1982.Final.Cut.BluRayCD.1080p.TrueHD.x264-Grym.mkv
* ~# B0 }! u+ R/ s8 { - Deckard, a blade runner, has to track down and terminate 4 replicants who hijacked a ship in space and have returned to Earth seeking their maker.
/ l) |6 T! F3 w; \0 `6 q9 U% j - Director: Ridley Scott
2 {1 _% U9 M2 J& z& u6 P9 Q' B - Starring: Harrison Ford, Rutger Hauer, Sean Young% E& r c( S7 B2 L' w$ b, f" ^3 `
- iMDB URL........: https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0083658
3 F- P/ x6 ?- a' a - iMDB RATING.....: 8.3/10 from 304,698 users 5 H/ q/ v5 v$ L8 S; t3 v
- SOURCE TYPE.....: Retail Blu-Ray 1080p 30th Anniversary Collectors Edition5 W' e% I- k; e
- ViDEO BiTRATE...: x264 2PASS @ 14000+ Kbps (AVC-High@L4.1)( c5 l, W: w6 B& ?" @- z |7 [4 ]
- AUDiO 1.........: English DTS-HD Master 5.1
0 f7 `- `6 \- M( \ - AUDiO 2.........: Commentary Director Ridley Scott2 H @) r2 i7 K/ v! q; M
- AUDiO 3.........: Commentary Executive Producer & Co-Screenwriter Hampton Fancher," C v2 }8 N* [- _
- Co-Screenwriter David Peoples, Producer Michael Deely,- r: j+ P" h6 J. O
- Production Executive Katherine Haber
# w P) _$ \; G5 z - AUDiO 4.........: Commentary Visual Futurist Syd Mead, Production Designer
& i3 e: F. F, P% m - Lawrence G. Paull, Art Director David L. Snyder, Special
* Q3 s' \9 c3 D2 }6 U8 @ - Photographic Effect Supervisors Douglas Trumbull, Richard
, }, a1 j& ?+ X( d; \8 O - Yuricich & David Dryer" ~: e* f% `0 v5 l- {8 Q
- RUNTiME.........: 1h 57 min
+ J3 e/ V# f8 N8 j - MOViE CROPPED...: No: e. |% e- D& t( ?& @
- ASPECT RATiO....: 2.40:1 Anamorphic Widescreen (Film AR Not Butchered by Cropping)0 }8 p5 ]* q8 g" G, S6 c
- RESOLUTiON......: 1920 X 1080p# W5 A& y+ G# _1 s
- EXTRAS..........: Yes - 'Dangerous Days' (SD, 211 min) A Comprehensive Documentary' C/ ?! i' R' E
- SUBTiTLES.......: English, Chinese, French, Spanish, Japanese, Korean,
5 ?8 c$ t2 g: h. ^# s& j/ I - Portuguese 6 c1 d; F$ x) F/ V$ x& E
- SUBTiTLES EXTRAS: English, Chinese, French, Spanish, Italian, Portuguese, Czech,
' [7 M9 P2 d! F4 J! c* F, }2 ] - Polish
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