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[科教记录] 猎捕/生存战 The Hunt S01 1080p BluRaycd x264 DTS-WiKi 49GB








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24小时 发表于 2017-6-28 20:38:07 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式

8 ?9 w6 Y0 _- H; U1 s' j& _' ^+ B' ]
% Q. W7 h; ~  F0 L& D+ `◎译  名 猎捕/生存战7 W* u0 ]& Y+ o
◎片  名 The Hunt1 Z1 g5 _) l% b3 `* n1 ~0 L" Z' j
◎年  代 2015
' `& v+ r1 f/ n, Q& [" p% l◎国  家 英国
$ d& {( X8 y: k2 u4 ]◎类  别 纪录片
1 f$ [) T0 D! G% z6 y◎语  言 英语- D. A6 T1 D/ b- O) R+ k# B
◎IMDB评分  9.4/10 (612 votes). H# t  I  T+ K7 P1 Y
◎IMDB链接 C6 H" O6 [0 p6 z
◎片  长 404分钟
. ?3 s7 |$ R- s. z◎导  演 Rob Sullivan
8 k* ^2 K, G) {' @+ t# |◎解  说 大卫·爱登堡 David Attenborough% w7 E( w! Z, h9 `$ q

0 g5 G, v8 y  J◎简  介
! B+ Z' H( x/ D
5 [) w& J$ h/ }8 D" E  大卫·爱登堡再次联合BBC推出全新纪录片,由《行星地球》团队倾力打造,全方位展现动物在觅食过程中的戏剧性一刻,并首次披露南美水濑,座头鲸的猎食行为,更借用了电影、戏剧中的片段,力求给观众一个具有说服力的印象。
) Y3 A$ n( K  P9 V: X
+ q$ m; |9 q" [0 x% M7 [- J6 f' S  摄制组的足迹遍布雨林,冻土层,海洋,草原,极地,典型生态环境一网打尽,还记录了各路科学家以及环保人士对保护濒危动物所做出的努力。* _6 G( o8 ]6 y* s* i

1 o: H: Y& L* ]5 p; x1 ~  由《地心引力》的作曲家Steven Price作曲。 * w: t. a  B% @: f! u$ v
- S1 {  R7 n( h/ B3 r
3 F8 w' q# k9 ]% i! |3 p; r+ G) s( y+ N. c7 b
This major landmark series looks in detail at the fascinating relationship between predators and their prey. Rather than concentrating on ‘the blood and guts‘ of predation, the series looks in unprecedented detail at the strategies predators use to catch their food and prey use to escape death.6 j; R4 Y" z5 _1 ]5 M
, B( J! y3 D; P6 @9 @, J
TAGLINE...................: The Hunt5 ~* j& ]( g3 E; t1 Y6 S& h$ G
GENRE.....................: Documentary
+ S- n. c8 G$ }& ~3 YIMDb RATING...............: 9.4/10 (612 votes)3 e6 Z1 P- E  H2 B
IMDb LINK.................:
- m( D. p6 C3 ~3 ^4 K) @2 ~. U+ F5 W5 ^) i' ~9 G
1 D% [+ y- ~- r, y6 Q) [$ HENCODER...................: YiFan @ WiKi
: y7 y) `5 X; {% i0 u/ aRELEASE DATE..............: 2016-04-11- G0 }- n% [# w6 H. U- ~
RELEASE SIZE..............: 49.2 G
- q  r2 `" @. y5 G8 H, X! ASOURCE....................: 1080i Blu-ray AVC DTS-HD MA5.1-VEXHD
# Q4 F6 x# o' x- p9 \- A- r.Media.Info
- e: T5 ]! B; _RUNTIME...................: 6h:44m:22s4 o( Q7 X1 {) D; |& C. c( c7 J
Video CODEC...............: x264 @ crf 18.5 (~ 15881 Kbps)# v* l$ |& z: ?9 p* F2 D
RESOLUTION................: 1920x1080
, U, a4 x3 O8 O% G' E4 u% R3 MDISPLAY ASPECT RATIO......: 1.778:1, u  `/ V2 o* s! m: R5 L( P3 k. |9 v
FRAME RATE................: 25.000 fps" t- E5 \- K: L! {% p
AUDIO CODEC...............: English DTS 5.1 @ 1510 Kbps# G! a; n7 W3 [$ g. w7 Q
CHAPTERS..................: 6 Chapters/EP
; R6 O3 V, M. t' V3 x1 P8 |' T2 o+ b$ A
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The Hunt S01E01 1080p BluRay x264 DTS-WiKi
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x264 [info]: consecutive B-frames:  3.9%  4.4% 31.1% 27.1% 13.7% 15.7%  2.5%  0.4%  0.4%  0.3%  0.2%  0.1%  0.2%3 u) F8 m' U/ l* W
encoded 87211 frames, 0.6754 fps, 16396.57 kb/s, 6818.59 MB
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The Hunt S01E02 1080p BluRay x264 DTS-WiKi4 w) p" N) V- W/ h' b$ |8 n
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x264 [info]: frame P:22228 Avg QP:18.07  size: 85979& S5 Q- Z' E- g
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x264 [info]: consecutive B-frames:  3.4%  4.7% 24.6% 12.0% 14.6% 29.4%  6.3%  1.6%  1.5%  0.9%  0.7%  0.2%  0.2%9 \# R6 A  e; E  y1 F- s
encoded 86891 frames, 0.8175 fps, 11802.24 kb/s, 4890.01 MB# \% e7 W+ Z; x2 n2 f

1 w7 i( ?) ?* K% Y7 {2 P, rThe Hunt S01E03 1080p BluRay x264 DTS-WiKi3 P2 {; J2 l" P  r5 I
x264 [info]: profile High, level 4.12 C& ^- t2 N6 x7 X7 _  W6 z+ B
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x264 [info]: frame P:22732 Avg QP:18.67  size:110785
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x264 [info]: consecutive B-frames:  2.2%  3.1% 32.3% 20.8% 14.8% 21.3%  3.3%  0.8%  0.7%  0.5%  0.2%  0.2%  0.1%
  Q2 d1 D: ^5 \7 h8 H$ {encoded 87101 frames, 0.7436 fps, 15038.14 kb/s, 6245.79 MB
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The Hunt S01E04 1080p BluRay x264 DTS-WiKi
: c+ ~: Y: w2 w0 p: l8 Ax264 [info]: profile High, level 4.1
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; s; ^( C# U/ S; cx264 [info]: frame B:63660 Avg QP:19.36  size: 85941* k9 o0 V1 U& l4 n( X
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  J8 a& u& j, uencoded 85576 frames, 0.5457 fps, 19434.02 kb/s, 7930.21 MB- Y- i7 n$ b) j, T' V* F+ A- M7 q
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The Hunt S01E05 1080p BluRay x264 DTS-WiKi
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# {* ^' M3 [' ~- h! Z6 rx264 [info]: consecutive B-frames:  3.3%  4.1% 26.8% 19.1% 14.9% 24.8%  4.1%  0.8%  0.7%  0.4%  0.3%  0.3%  0.3%3 T! }* r+ F2 Q3 X. G; w8 B
encoded 87101 frames, 0.7312 fps, 15553.88 kb/s, 6459.99 MB# @* q+ t3 c' ^
, X/ C) ]* ~& F4 s5 A( w/ p
The Hunt S01E06 1080p BluRay x264 DTS-WiKi4 d4 O" G; Y3 ~% O4 O8 ?- q  E
x264 [info]: profile High, level 4.1
4 M4 G& P/ U8 I% j- Hx264 [info]: frame I:529   Avg QP:18.94  size:234847
3 \0 B, A/ s0 G. vx264 [info]: frame P:23946 Avg QP:19.89  size:122298
9 j. a9 d- `( N2 G% j' Ux264 [info]: frame B:62226 Avg QP:20.82  size: 77343. t8 e/ a2 ~: l! M+ R4 Q
x264 [info]: consecutive B-frames:  2.8%  4.3% 26.1% 37.7% 12.9% 13.3%  1.7%  0.4%  0.3%  0.1%  0.1%  0.1%  0.2%3 q) p( |7 w: s( e& i) G9 I
encoded 86701 frames, 0.6764 fps, 18144.05 kb/s, 7501.16 MB
5 U% i/ r1 J! L* \- d$ `
4 k. d$ {. E4 T3 F& P! TThe Hunt S01E07 1080p BluRay x264 DTS-WiKi
6 t, z! e! u& M& I" w1 Yx264 [info]: profile High, level 4.1
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x264 [info]: frame P:24322 Avg QP:18.90  size:108905
+ H9 C/ Y$ ]& @. ux264 [info]: frame B:62067 Avg QP:19.57  size: 59134
  u2 i% T" k5 C2 Q0 n, i: Zx264 [info]: consecutive B-frames:  4.0%  4.7% 29.5% 22.3% 15.0% 19.9%  2.9%  0.6%  0.4%  0.3%  0.1%  0.2%  0.1%& _, K" w/ {2 f6 W  z( e
encoded 86976 frames, 0.7599 fps, 14857.36 kb/s, 6161.85 MB

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  A* c& d0 l" z5 d+ X- v2 f2 o产品演示视频
1 S$ t. E5 _& [, l
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